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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
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Reviews for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Though it doesn't feel like a finale but we get coloured queer dads😭😭😭😭are you kidding me😭😭😭😭it was fucking cute and funny and my heart just want to burst. Bow having a coming out scene about being a Rebellion fighter was just 😭😭😭😭😭😭I can't

S02 E07 · Reunion
bow's dads being history nerds who love each other and their son so much... my heart is full 💖

S02 E07 · Reunion
Fun episode. Apparently Bow has a family, assumed he was an orphan ngl. Also he has 12 siblings wtf? His dads were funny, and cool to see some space ship ruin at the end too

S02 E07 · Reunion
Catra almost died because she trusted her evil mother

S02 E07 · Reunion
oh he has gay parents. that makes a lot of sense

S02 E07 · Reunion

bow is a crop top king

S02 E07 · Reunion
Whilst this definitely doesn’t feel like a finale overall, it’s still quite nice. In fact, I kind of like how much it feels like a normal episode. I like how the stuff between Bow and his dads is handled, and the conclusion to that is nice. Catra’s ending did make a lot of sense for a finale though

Such a heartwarming episode, I love bow’s dads sooo much!!!!!

S02 E07 · Reunion

I love Bow's dads, they're great.

que cosa maravillosa

S02 E07 · Reunion
I love how glimmer started crying because bow wasn't wearing a croptop

oh I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE DADS!!! and pleaseeeee free my girl catra

S02 E07 · Reunion
glimmer screaming ‘WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU’ when she sees bow wearing something besides a crop top is so funny

S02 E07 · Reunion
LMAOOOO glimmer screaming because bows midriff is covered 5 stars for Bow ripping off the bottom half of his shirt

S02 E07 · Reunion

S02 E07 · Reunion
EU AMO O ARQUEIRO, ELE É MUITO DIVO (amei que o maior choque da Adora e da Cintilante foi ele não estar de cropped)

S02 E07 · Reunion
Being a secret soldier as a metaphor for being queer is a choice ig

ohmygod bow's dads!!!!!!!

i’ve been mourning doomed yaoi for the last couple of days .. thank you bows dads for uplifting my spirit 🙏

S02 E07 · Reunion
I mean good episode, but has no right being the season finale

S02 E07 · Reunion
bow having gay dads makes sm sense🥹🥹🥹🥹

S02 E07 · Reunion
Bow’s dads are so cute!