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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
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Reviews for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Don't know why this is a 3.92 when it's actually the best episode in the series. It was dark, tense and brilliant. Shadow Weaver backstory took this series on another level. I mean, the worldbuilding😘 and it filled the void of wanting a fantasy show like ATLA

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Good flashback episode for shadow weaver, good to see King Micah as well, thinking maybe she played a part in his death

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
THE I managed to be deceived by Shadow Weaver, this episode is a lot of manipulation, Catra deserved to be betrayed

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
se eu ganhasse uma moeda pra cada vez q a catra sofresse eu teria muitas moedas e eu n gosto disso .

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
We finally got a Shadow Weaver Backstory 9/10 A+

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
trauma! 🫣🫣🫣

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
minha mãe e eu core

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Catra's issues really hit me hard. Seeking approval from the same person who manipulated and mistreated you is some soul crushing shit

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
This may have been Shadow Weaver’s episode, but Catra was easily the highlight here She’s such a compelling character

S02 E06 · Light Spinner

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Solid flashback episode, the show seems to understand well the importance of having clear character design cues for when things happened.

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
This shit hit hard

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
I think I get Catra a lot more now

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
fuck u shadow weaver

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Haters gonna hate, this is my favourite episode of season 2.

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
shadow weaver backstory was so peak

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
i understand why this episode is here and it gives a lot of background but i just don’t like shadow weaver

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
what a manipulative conniving dictator !!!!!

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Love the darker themes this show has going on. Shadow weaver just emits textbook manipulation. The hair stroking. The giving affirmations and love out when ever she needs help (micah, adora or catra). Also so interesting as catra, a victim of neglect and manipulation, reacts to even a little bit

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Ok, eu realmente não entendi pq esse episódio tem nota baixa aq sendo q é um ep mtt bom, extremamente interessante a história do passado da Sombria sendo Luminosa, a relação da Felina com a própria Sombria, td incrivel Nota 9,5/10

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
poor catra aw :(

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Cool ep!!! What if your abusive adoptive mom taught my dead dad as a young sorcerer

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
7/10 - Okay

S02 E06 · Light Spinner
Catra my baby 😭😭