Don't know why this is a 3.92 when it's actually the best episode in the series. It was dark, tense and brilliant. Shadow Weaver backstory took this series on another level. I mean, the worldbuilding😘 and it filled the void of wanting a fantasy show like ATLA
Love the darker themes this show has going on. Shadow weaver just emits textbook manipulation. The hair stroking. The giving affirmations and love out when ever she needs help (micah, adora or catra).
Also so interesting as catra, a victim of neglect and manipulation, reacts to even a little bit
Ok, eu realmente não entendi pq esse episódio tem nota baixa aq sendo q é um ep mtt bom, extremamente interessante a história do passado da Sombria sendo Luminosa, a relação da Felina com a própria Sombria, td incrivel
Nota 9,5/10