Backdrop poster for Sesame Street
Sesame Street
Poster for Sesame Street
55 seasons
, 3092 episodes
Episode run time
54 - 60 minutes
Nov 10 1969
Last aired
Jan 16 2025

Sesame Street

1969 • 55 seasons • 54 - 60m • Kids, Comedy • TV-Y
Kindness is in the air.
On a special inner city street, the inhabitants—human and muppet—teach preschoolers basic educational and social concepts using comedy, cartoons, games, and songs.

Seasons (56)

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how the fuck does this have 53 seasons

good show, very educational and entertaining

I don't like Elmo's attitude...

life-changing, influential, i think about you every single say

It kinda fell off however the mid-season 30's were PEAK.

The best part of the hailee steinfeld song is that when elmo is like A PLASTIC WATAH BOTTLE AND A PAPER TOWL ROLL big bird is strangling him around the neck

Solid beginning to what would be the longest running TV shows ever. Muppet work and utilizing the media of TV stand the test of time. Crazy to see another actor as Gordon though.

the biggest problem with sesame street these days is the sheer volume of elmo foot i am forced to see with my eyeballs every day

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Nothing much to say, great show!

No one’s review this lol

Sunny Day, sweepin' the clouds away! On my way to where the air is sweet! Can you tell me how to get? How to get to Sesame Street! 🎶 I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said about this great show so enjoy the intro lyrics!

A perfect show for young children that I’m glad I grew up watching. Would recommend to any parent, this is the best educational program for kids.