Backdrop poster for Sanctuary
Poster for Sanctuary
1 seasons
, 8 episodes
Episode run time
60 minutes
May 4 2023
Last aired
May 4 2023


2023 • 1 season • 60m • Drama • TV-MA
A tough, desperate kid becomes a sumo wrestler, captivating fans with his cocky attitude — and upsetting an industry steeped in tradition.

Seasons (1)

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I knew this was going to be a great series from its incredible opening theme! Never in my life did I think a show about sumo wrestling would make me cry!!!! My goodness, the show is that good that it made me a sumo fan. I loved every bit of it. So witty, funny and emotional. All I know is there bet

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Who knew a sumo show would have me in tears

Gripping, tense, funny and incredibly acted, this series turned Sumo Wrestling into something very emotional. Too bad it lacks a proper ending, because the cliffhanger feels like a cop-out, devaluating the whole series given all the character growth was stuffed into a montage episode where a time j

Kinda liked it. Don’t know why they stopped it.

Saw someone call this show "manga-like" and I can't think of a better term to describe it. Reminiscent of several delinquent seinen stories I had read over the pandemic. Gritty, brutal circumstances of the industry highlighted, mixed with hyper-stylized scenes of action emphasising the weight and fo

Mais comment ils font pour bouffer autant et aussi vite?

‘Sanctuary’ doesn’t always benefit from its trans-Pacific cultural differences but it presents an interesting fictive look into the world of sumo and a little of the fish-out-of-water charm of other fight sport-inflected Netflix fare like ‘Cobra Kai’, ‘Heels’, or ‘Glow’. The English dubbing is good

Series ini menunjukan kalo sumo bukan hanya tentang kekuatan. Tetapi juga teknik, melatih mental dan ada hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan, dihargai. Series ini juga menunjukan bagaimana emosi menjadi kunci. Kunci dari konflik film ini, kunci dari perubahan main role dan kunci dari moral value yang