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Parks and Recreation (2009)
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Reviews for Parks and Recreation

Not the funniest show I've ever seen, but it was constantly good over those 7 seasons and I loved (most of) those characters, especially April & Ron <3 Also I made a comedy show ranking: Still a lot of stuff I want to rewatch before adding to the list tho.

Constantly funny. Great to see Kathryn Hahn and Paul Rudd. April and Ron still the goats, but love Leslie, Ann and Ben too <3

Better than season 1. Aubrey Plaza and Nick Offerman carrying hard so far. Adam Scott and Rob Lowe are beautiful additions to an already great cast.

Season could have been a bit longer imo, but it was still great. I can see why some people think it was unnecessary and why the show should have ended after s6, but I'm glad this season happened. Gonna miss them 😢❤️

Some beautiful episodes this season.

andy and april are the ultimate golden retriever bf and black cat gf

Overhated. I liked it a lot and Leslie is not annoying.

Season 4 was genuinely one of the best sitcom seasons ever 😭, each episode was genuinely banger after banger. Rewatching a few earlier episodes could be interesting too because I feel like the characters changed the most in this show compared to any other sitcom.

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sooo much better, even the the love triangles are bearable

Took a while but definitely starting to enjoy this show. The addition of Ben and Chris seems like it will make the show better, including removing Mark who never seemed to be an interesting character imo.

among the funny bits and excellent humour that parks and recreation masterfully pulls off there lies it's spirit. an optimistic and unapologetic view of life, embodied by the show's protagonist, leslie. her commitment to pawnee, to the people around her, even to those that hate her, it makes even th

chris voice: i am LITERALLY so happy for april ludgate and ann perkins☺️☺️

ann perkins is my little munchkin. i’ll defend her with my life. she could never do any wrong 💟💟

want a relationship like andy and april ☹️☹️☹️

one of my favourite seasons of television ever

anything for aubrey plaza.

why did we let chris pratt become action movie star and not comedy genius!!

i literally watched this in a day (i really need a job)

amy poehler is america’s greatest treasure <3 and when i make a video essay about why mark brandanowitz failed as the Straight Man while ben wyatt perfectly succeeded i hope you all tune in

Slow start, but an incredible end to a show that made me fall in love with Amy Poehler.

calm luh season

Strong season but feels like they had one foot out the door

i missed my parents ben and leslie