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Outer Range (2022)
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Reviews for Outer Range

Watched on Amazon Prime from May 15 until May 21st 2022 Basically an exciting story and a mixture of modern western, family drama and time travel. Sounds promising. And is actually interesting enough to watch all 8 episodes. Unfortunately, it also drags on a bit and is very convoluted. Who Autumn (

gonna watch this for my icon Imogen Poots only 🙏🏻

This season was all over the show. There was a lot going on and at times it felt rushed and messy. For me, this season was quite a step down from the first season unfortunately.

when lewis pullman tipped up his cowboy hat to kiss a girl, the world of television was changed forever

A step down in a plethora of ways, more specifically: the annoying cliffhangers ( cancellation sucks ), WAY too much focus on the two brothers and Autumn, Lili Taylor’s overacting at times, and just a lack of coherency really threw this season off. The parts I loved ( the flashback episodes and fla

For some reason that I still can't define, the end of the first season of Outer Range seemed quite conclusive to me. Obviously there were some hooks from which to continue this second season, but perhaps with that I already had a couple of doubts in mind regarding the continuation of this story. A

What the fuck….

Outer Range is a exciting, slow burn western show with an interesting sci fi twist. Time travel. While not everything gets resolved (the show was not renewed due to not aking enough money back) its been a really intriguing watch. I really enjoyed Josh Brolin’s performance throughout these episodes.

The performances are really good, but it has so many subplots, it gets very messy and ponderous, but the sci-fi thriller elements are good.

Hmm. It’s interesting, that’s for sure, and it follows a lot of the same beats as other shows I love. But there’s definitely something missing here, I expect it’s a lack of total commitment to tone. I doubt I would’ve given this show a chance if Josh Brolin wasn’t in it. And I’m glad I did! It’s fu

gonna be honest i only starting watching for lewis and now i’m kinda invested but beyond confused

someone on twitter referred to this as “that josh brolin show with the hole”, and honestly that’s real because i can’t think of any other way to describe the plot. in fact, i lost it significantly this season. whilst there were still some great moments, the suspense just wasn’t there anymore. also,

the most confusing about this show is that rhett looks like he should be named perry and perry looks like he should be named rhett. despite the mediocre rating, i actually think there’s a lot of potential for the next season, but some things definitely have to improve: 1. who is this about? royal?

It's not often you see a true science-fiction western; it goes into some neat territories, but the slow-burn pacing doesn't help. Plus, some reveals went above my head; very confusing. Very much like the ensemble cast, though!

Exciting premise that just goes nowhere 6.5/10

Leaves a lot of questions unanswered

Kinda silly but they hooked me! I have to get a season 2 🤞🏾 they got cowboys family drama mystery SINGING and a big hole what more does a show need! I think the shots are beautiful and they story made it hard NOT to binge! Some of the twists were predictable and some weren’t 🤷🏾‍♀️. An interestin

Outer range is the latest (well in 2022) western show with an interesting sci fi twist. It’s a time travel hole. Josh Brolin gives a hell of a performance. Even though there is a good cast present and an intriguing storyline, the eight episodes leaves more questions than answers. Prime Video | Ei

feel like the 2 year wait for this ruined any momentum this show might’ve had. the constant jumping plot lines and unfocused core narrative for the season also made it pretty difficult to stay engaged. still, this show is consistently some of the most well shot television i’ve seen in years, and jos

There’s still some solid character work, but now we’re getting into crazy time travel stuff with a hole that seems to act as the plot sees fit. A lot is going to have to be answered if there’s a season three to make this make sense, but for now I’m rolling with it

Another season of hole antics! Pretty interesting. It’s lesser pace and tone always make it to where I feel like I keep missing elements or not following at the most engaged. I do like it though. Okay, Amazon. At least one viewer (me) has watched another season of Outer Range. Is that enough? Are w

Its a shame this show got canceled right when is was getting good. I liked the suspense and the mystery, the production quality was great and the idea of the show is not fairly common in film media that I've seen lately. It was a good show but it did get a little slow mid way through season 2

2a temporada de esta serie que parece un cruce de #Dark con #Yellowstone. Quedan muchos misterios por resolver y aparecen nuevos. Mejor esperar que otro vea las siguientes y si cierra, terminar de verla.

What starts as such a fascinating show just crumbles into bad television..