Backdrop poster for Nip/Tuck
Poster for Nip/Tuck
7 seasons
, 100 episodes
Episode run time
44 minutes
Jul 22 2003
Last aired
Mar 3 2010
⚕️ Medical⛺️ Camp


2003 • 7 seasons • 44m • Drama, Medical, Camp • TV-MA
Tell me what you don't like about yourself...?
Hotshot plastic surgeons Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy experience full-blown midlife crises as they confront career, family and romance problems.

Seasons (8)

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The white gay industrial complex had me on a CHOKEHOLD. 🫶🏻

like all ryan murphy shows messy and problematic but when it was good, it was really fucking good

see a pretty one pass me by the only thing hot round here is my line.

I don’t remember how it ended but I remember Famke playing a transgender chick, the anesthesiologist was a lesbian, a woman let her dog lick peanut butter off her tits, & the sex. It was ahead of its time & gritty guess I need to rewatch too!

I vividly remember sneaking late at night to watch this. 🩸

The characters have repercussions to their actions that feels realistic. The humour is excellent and how the show connects procedural and long subplots makes it's excellent. Everything in this show is excellent a sure 10 on 10 everyone who puts this below 6 are dumb.

I really loved the concept of the show but wow was it a let down I might put off finishing the show for a while. There are no likeable characters for me in this show it’s so blah 😒

important work of art for the cohesion of society

So disturbing, I want more weird shit on television, yet with the tact of the current social environment if you catch my drift. I also want it even more gay, and I think they should have let them show female nipple or cock but whatever. Anyway, great show, super camp, awesome surgical scenes. Defini

While growing up I tried to sneak peeks at this show late at night! Boy the intrigue!

This show is so unhinged

It has its flaws and its soap opera melodramatics, but it has enough quality, originality and good moments to be a solid B-plus

As the show progressed the characters became increasingly more like the villains especially Julia and Matt. After season two Matt went downhill and never recovered.

“Make me beautiful!” This show is fantastic, a perfect show wildly entertaining and unique. Dark & twisted lives of plastic surgeons. Jackson Avery doesn’t hold a knife to these docs lol.

I only stuck around because I’m a completist. 💉

Even after Famke’s reveal, she can still get it. 💋

The Miami Vice season. 🌴

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son sezona geçiş

this show is so fucking bonkers i'm obsessed and put off at the same time

The major issue with this season is it’s way too long. Feels more like three seasons crammed into one. There are some truly amazing stories this season as well as some incredibly boring ones. Colleen Rose (Sharon Gless) is a top tier villain with a riveting storyline but unfortunately gets wra

La plus grande série qu'il m'ait été donné de découvrir.

I’m not sure a series has ever crashed and burned so bad in their final season as Nip/Tuck did. The only saving grace is the return of Ava Moore (Famke Janssen), which is an absolute treat and should have happened sooner. She saves the final 2 episodes.

comme à son habitude … un très bon début de série puis ça part en 🥜 mais j’étais amoureuse de Christian Troy alors, merci à moitié Ryan Murphy