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S04 E12
Poster for New Girl: Season 4
Jan 6 2015 • 22m
Nick and Coach become concerned when they meet Winston's new training officer; Jess uses Schmidt in hope of influencing a councilwoman to stop the night construction taking place outside the loft.


"I once saw a priest drop his keys and bend over to pick them up, and it was so human that it ruined religion for me" 😭😭ong one of the funniest lines in the show

i’m not being over dramatic when i say i would rather sit naked on a hot grill than wear something off the rack

great episode for slutty ryan and screaming schmidt lovers

S04 E12 · Shark
"We got a code jewish, code jewish." "You're under ch'arrest" 😭😭😭

“i’ve seen the Bollywood movies and I’ve seen the uk office. not a fan, not a fan” the introduction to aly was great

Wow Ryan is so sexy.


S04 E12 · Shark
“THIS IS AMERICA! WEAR PANTS!” i love coach so much

S04 E12 · Shark
this show will just have throwaway lines like "i once saw a priest drop his keys and bend over and pick them up, and it was so human that it ruined religion for me" like i need to kiss every writer‘s brain that was involved in this show


S04 E12 · Shark
aly, I like her!!! 🥹🫶

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"thank you very much, you guys. oh, also thank you for the flowers.. and just so we're clear, the first thank you was sarcastic, because you embarrassed me, but the second thank you was sincere as hell, because these flowers are glorious!"

thinking of logging in episodes on here ... btw schmidt flirting with anyone who's not cece just doesn't feel right

S04 E12 · Shark
jake's sister being a cop makes sense

Still struggling to accept the fact that Winston is a cop like. No. I know him. He would never do that

S04 E12 · Shark
Meh. Not my favourite

schmidt and cece 🤍🥺

zoe lister jones is so mesmerizing. just everything about her.

S04 E12 · Shark

ryan's new york accent lmaooo

still don’t understand why they made winston become a cop like what was the reason

S04 E12 · Shark
i am woman, the smartest species of them all!!!!