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S02 E03
Poster for New Girl: Season 2
Oct 2 2012 • 22m
Jess and Nick examine their friendship. Elsewhere, Schmidt hopes to impress an attractive Republican by pretending to be one of Mitt Romney's sons.


S02 E03 · Fluffer
schmidt's mom is a lesbian?????? everything makes sense now

S02 E03 · Fluffer
nick miller you are SOOOO boyfriend

S02 E03 · Fluffer
can they stop yelling at each other and just make out already

S02 E03 · Fluffer
“you can watch the walking dead yourself” THEY WATCH TWD TOGETHER??

S02 E03 · Fluffer
“are you saying you want the rewards” smiling crying kicking my feet in the air twirling my hair

S02 E03 · Fluffer
he built her the dresser even after the fluffer accusations, Nick and Jess is happening

"Are you saying you want the rewards?" I want them Jess

S02 E03 · Fluffer
"Because I can't pleasure a woman and build a dresser at the same time. I'm not God." this episode is so freaking hilarious

Nick and Jess omg it’s happening

S02 E03 · Fluffer
i didn't realize you were on the fence about the louisiana purchase jessica!!!!!!

S02 E03 · Fluffer
I love it when Nick and Jess banter with each other yes yell at each other give me angst and passion let’s gooooooooo

S02 E03 · Fluffer
Build her that damn dresser if you want, Nick 💕

S02 E03 · Fluffer
schmidt having lesbian moms makes me happy

S02 E03 · Fluffer
“get out of here deviant”

just kiss already

S02 E03 · Fluffer
Nick and Jess will get within 5 feet of each other and I start screaming and giggling their chemistry is insane

S02 E03 · Fluffer
after seeing taylor getting this episode 😫

S02 E03 · Fluffer
some people just need to go make out and get it out of their system

S02 E03 · Fluffer
their chemistry is showing more than ever i LOVE THIS

S02 E03 · Fluffer
they remind me of me in ninth grade when i had this one classmate i kind of had a thing for and we fought all the time and during a fight, a girl yelled “will you guys shut up and make out already?”

screaming, crying, throwing up, and climbing up the walls because of nick building her the dresser in the end and the entire discussion that proceeded it

S02 E03 · Fluffer
this is a historic nick and jess episode

the iconic ness argument

i giggled nonstop