Backdrop poster for New Girl (2011)
New Girl (2011)
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Reviews for New Girl

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
I kind of love Jess and Regans chemistry

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
JESS MY GIRLLLL i missed her :,)

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
"people have a lot to say about the way i live my life. but there is only one comment card that i pay attention to. and you know what that card says? it says, 'great job. keep it up.' and you know who filled out that card? me. you know how i know? because i recognize my motherfreakin handwriting." �

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
Big season for Cece and Winston best friendship ever

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
jess and reagan are actually so good together

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
nick really had zooey deschanel ans megan fox thirsting over him

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
It’s a good episode. Some pretty funny moments.

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
Jess is back!!!! her dynamic with Reagan was so interesting!

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
i love a good goosebumps walk away

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
jess is better than me bc if my ex boyfriend was hooking up with megan fox i would lose my mind

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
whenever i take a break break from this for a couple weeks i‘m like this show can‘t possibly be this good and then i watch it again and i‘m like. yes. this is literally the best show of all time

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
i forgot how full on jess is 😭, but man i missed her

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
YAY SHE'S BACKK 💗 but babe what are you doing chasing after a random mf called gary when it's clear you're still in love with nick. get your shit together!! reagan and jess honestly have more chemistry than nick and reagan everyone dancing at the end was v cute i'm glad my family is all togethe

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
nick and reagan 💋💋❤️

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
i missed Jess so much

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
thank god jess is back

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
regean has more chemistry with jess than nick

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
yay the queen is back wish reagan stayed. her dynamic with jess is interesting

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
extra half star for jess being back

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
yesss jesss

S05 E10 · Goosebumps Walkaway
It feels weird having Jess back I think it’s just because Reagan was there for a while 😭