Backdrop poster for Mushi-Shi
Poster for Mushi-Shi
2 seasons
, 46 episodes
Episode run time
24 minutes
Oct 23 2005
Last aired
Dec 21 2014


2005 • 2 seasons • 24m • Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Anime, Cozy • TV-14
Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are suffering because of it.

Seasons (3)

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Masterpiece. One of the most unique and in my opinion the most atmospheric and relaxing show of all time and I will explain why: 1. The general idea. The general idea is that the main character wanders around the world and helps people with their problems, but the way it's presented is incredible.

-Solid 4.5/5

As I walked In a silent forest. Rustling leaves by my steps, A breeze whispered to me. As I walked Across a frozen lake. Ice sheet crakled under my steps, And snowflakes melted on my face. As I walked Across blooming meadows. Wildflowers by my steps Lent their scent to me, And cleared my mind. A

my roman empire

This was perfect to watch during spooky season. Such an ominous feeling of suffering and death surrounding each episode until there is a bitter sweet spiritual catharsis or acceptance of the pain the natural world brings to our souls. Some people find peace after pain. Some do not know how to proces

An incredible series of fable-like stories, rich with an eerily tranquil atmosphere. Each tale is allegorical to a sickness or some difficult living situation, which makes them very easy to relate to and get invested in despite the alien nature of the Mushi. I love that the main character isn't the

Second best anime ever made

This is the asmr of anime. The most calming show I have ever seen. Truly beautiful and unique as well. I really loved the format of the show, it wasn’t completely consistent but very close to it. This is a show I could see myself watching 10 years down the line and it still be just as enjoyable.

Mushi Shi An anime which really touched my heart with its mature writing and beautiful world , the moment u step into this world u will realise how gorgeous this world is the setting of Edo Japan it's just soo soothing to watch but with every beautiful thing in this world there are dark things attac

Much like the Mushi themselves, this show is borderline magical. Slow, contemplative and not afraid to dabble in both the melancholic and the hopeful, Mush-shi is a show that has buried itself deep into my mind. It's impact on me has not yet faded, despite being a decade removed from when I first wa

-the main idea of the mushi was great but it started to get boring after a while -i wich thet the main character wasn't a god who can fix any problem of the mushis in one episode -i wich there was more to see about the main character -the art style and music were very great for this kind of anime

first review of ever time on my profile ! cuz this is the latest show ive finished ( last night ) and i gotta talk my piece :D this show ( at least this season ) is my Goodnight show. literally my eepee time snooze dreamland show but NOT bc its not interesting.. in fact it is very enthralling but

If you could see everything but couldn’t change any of it, or if you could live in freedom in darkness, which do you think is more fortunate? I think it might not be that bad to live in the dark, remembering the light. mushi-shi is artistic adventure anime where each episode represents mini series

that’s an easy banger in my book

Masterful. An absolute work of art that will forever stick with me. A perfect show to watch right before bed. No show relaxes me more than this one, the stories are so captivating, it’s kind of eerie at times but never enough to scare you, the music and atmosphere is so immersive. Everything about t




L'homme et Les histoires. Les histoires d'un monde où la mort se mélange à l'existence. L'homme et les sentiments. Des sentiments traversent un monde que nous ne pouvons ni toucher ni ressentir. L'homme et les voyages . des voyages entre la rédemption et la peur. Ami Ginko et les mushis est l'homme