I thought season 2 was a low point for this series. The major cameos by Jackson and prominent MCU alums were gone. It seemed to me many of the themes were re-hashes of things started in season 1. They were operating out of a van which gave it more of a cop show feel much of the time, which I real
Some TikTok MCU chronological thing said I had to watch S7 first. Started off so good but as soon as the chronicoms stopped becoming the main focus, went downhill.
It's a bit all over the place honestly and is getting too focused on convoluted plots rather than a focused narrative. Decent close to the series though, i'm sure they won't randomly renew 2 more seasons!
If the overriding story had been an 8 episode season, then this would have been very good. Unfortunately it suffers from too many pointless episodes that move the plot forward 0.1% of the way. It started decently, had a couple of good episodes along the way (most notably the one with Simmons on the
Thought this was going to be a very "talky" series, with minimum action and almost no real link to the MCU. Instead it was a fairly action-packed series with a couple of interesting cross-over performances. Also liked that it didn't end on a massive cliffhanger. There are a couple of loose threads a
A shortened Season 6 can't help what is a more hollow version of the show without Agent Coulson. Sure, Sarge is there and Clark Gregg is still part of the fun, but it's just not the same. Definitely the worst season since its first and I would argue it's worse than that.
Best Episode: Inescapable
T.A.H.I.T.I. royally screwed me up for the next year of my life. I watched the first half of this show when it came out and my 11 year old mind could not handle Coulson screaming to die. I was forever scarred and had nightmares for 6 months after. My parents cracked down on my television viewing thr
Like most seasons of AoS, this felt stretched. Lots of good moments tho, interspersed by largely unimportant stretchiness. The overall story was pretty good and especially the acting of Aida was memorable, as well as Fitz!