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Marlon (2017)
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Reviews for Marlon

Why they cancel this??? Probably one of the only recent multiple-camera sitcoms that I really enjoyed… smh nbc

I really liked this show, I don’t care what anyone else says about it!

i have a soft spot for this show

It borders on imbecility and childish extremism, but unlike Man vs Bee, this is just crude and stupid.

É uma boa série de comédia, com uma pegada dos seriados antigos de comédia


I really liked this show

Funny loved the show when I was younger

You will laugh till you drop

Nada é melhor que uma série leve de uma família negra. Assuntos como racismo sendo trato com seriedade mas sem perder o humor da série e sem ser desrespeitoso

Alright, storytime. I watched this show when It first came out, I think I enjoyed it then. After that I just completely forgot about it's existence until about a week ago. I saw it and thought "I've watched this before, did I like it? I think I did" and I saw there was a "new" season so I thought

i watched sum weird shit

Season 1: Bad Season 2: Embarrassingly Bad.