Backdrop poster for Love Is in the Air
Love Is in the Air
Poster for Love Is in the Air
2 seasons
, 52 episodes
Episode run time
130 minutes
Jul 8 2020
Last aired
Sep 8 2021

Love Is in the Air

2020 • 2 seasons • 130m • Drama, Comedy • NR
Eda, who ties all her hopes to her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her international education scholarship and leaves her with high school diploma. Serkan Bolat offers Eda to give her scholarship back if she pretends to be his fiance for two months. Although Eda rejects the offer of

Seasons (2)


writers went to the school of wattpad

When turkish drama at its peak.

edser that’s it. their tropes>>>

the only turkish show i’ve seen but the long episodes are actually so great. i love that you don’t skip around with time as much as you do with american shows. edser is everything <3

sen çal kapimi was my first turkish dizi and I was sold during the first 10 minutes of the first bolum. edser became one of my favorite tv couples of all time and I’m so happy to have watched this during such a hard period of my life. this show is special <3

I still can't believe that I watched this whole thing with my mom and that I kinda liked it lolllll 😔

i feel so so empty now i’ve finished this serkan & eda so far are my favourite turkish drama couple BY FARRRRR !!!!!!

Finally I am sorry I love these characters and all but I was done I had enough like yay it over. But I will miss watching them all every day ngl.

El mejor Enemies to Lovers del mundo

Turkish shows are my go to when I need something good

דרמה טורקית קומית, סדרה עם לא מעט טוויסטים בעלילה אבל הקומיות שבה מהלילה את זה. הסדרה הזאת נחשבת לדרמה טורקית קלילה. סדרה מעניינת שמעבירה את הזמן. ממליצה

inventou a química

essa série acabou comigo juro que jamais serei a mesma te amo serkan

eu os amo de coração, demorei quase um ano pra terminar de vdd ⭐️💗

ainda tô assistindo mas já aprendi muitas coisas nessa novela, principalmente que na Turquia aparentemente NGM OUVE NGM, NGM CONVERSA, TODO MUNDO TIRA OPINIÕES PRECIPITADAS OU DO CU, conversem oh meu deuso, se comuniquem plmds tirando isso amo meus pais eda e serkan 💖🫶🏻

Amo novelas e essa daqui não decepciona. Uma química incrível.

quiero un novio que tenga perro llamado sirius

engancha un montón...

watched this show for like 2 years straight but its really sad how the script kept going downhill