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Love, Death & Robots (2019)
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Reviews for Love, Death & Robots

the animation is incredible every single episode but every single woman in this show is completely sexualised for the male gaze.

Hits and misses but it alright

𝟲.𝟱/𝟭𝟬 👍🏻

𝟲.𝟴/𝟭𝟬 👍🏻

Season 3 Episodes Ranked: 1 - Jibaro (5.0) 2 - Bad Travelling (4.0) 3 - Mason's Rats (3.5) 4 - Night of the Mini Dead (3.5) 5 - The Pulse of the Machine (3.0) 6 - Three Robots: Exit Strategies (3.0) 7 - Swarm (2.5) 8 - In Vaulted Halls Entombed (2.5) 9 - Kill Team Kill (2.0)

El concepto de la antología me encanta y la mezcla de distintos tipos de animación me interesa muchísimo aunque algunos me hayan gustado más que otros. Hay episodios mejores y peores pero en general he disfrutado mucho la temporada. La única pega que le pongo es el nivel tan alto de sexualización qu

There's only a handful of episodes that really stuck with me, but an interesting watch nonetheless. I hope Netflix makes more of this and more creative animators are given a chance rather than the uncanny valley video game style that was used in far too many forgettable episodes. At its best, it sho

episodes ranked: 1. Jibaro (4.5/5) 2. Bad Travelling (4/5) 3. Night of the Mini Dead (4/5) 4. Mason’s Rats (3/5) 5. The Very Pulse of the Machine (3/5) 6. Kill Team Kill (2.5/5) 7. Three Robots: Exit Strategies (2.5/5) 8. In The Vault Halls Entombed (1.5/5) 9. Swarm (1/5)

honestly im being way too kind with this rating bc while, like all LDR seasons, there’s a fair bunch of mid-to-dogshit shorts here (night of the mini dead and kill team kill are embarrassing) it also has like 3 of the best they’ve ever put out including my all-time favorite of this show, Jibaro wha

Aunque algunas historias se me hacen medio repetidas, está chida. Muy buena para maratonear

Season two: 7/10

Better than volume 1

I gave this season 3.5 cuz I like animation but only few stories are great... one time watch for everyone

I would this is best season from above all the seasons of this show.

Loving the show so far I loved the jibaro episode I loved her design and the meaning behind the ep

This is a really weird show but still pretty enjoyable

s1 really set up s2 to be just as good but gave them less tha half the screen time. somehow more philosophical but also lacking :( sad hope s3 is better


every episode were i thought "no way it's going to be a naked woman in this" they managed to find a way

My favourite collection of stories so far. ‘In Vaulted Halls Entombed’ was the only episode I didn’t really care for, and that still had lots to appreciate about it. Great ideas and concepts in virtually every story, stellar animation, and that final episode is easily the best the show has ever been

Fav episodes.. Jibaro Bad traveling Zima blue Pop squad The witness

When this show hits, it hits hard (Pop Squad is a masterpiece). When it doesn’t, it’s kinda mid.

the dancing lady of the lake last episode season 3 ep 9 Jibaro is out of this world this one short should be studied in schools i hope it becomes famous if it isnt yet rape and dispoilage exactly this, if you take the wick from a candle you can't light it up no more the light is just gone the