Backdrop poster for Love, Death & Robots (2019)
Love, Death & Robots (2019)
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Reviews for Love, Death & Robots

Usually repulsive, sexist, and flat out dumb, “Love, Death & Robots” is most definitely not the thing I was hoping for when I heard about an adult animated sci-fi anthology. However, it’s pretty much exactly what I expected once I read the show’s synopsis wherein it described itself as “NSFW.” Most

Love, Death + Robots Vol. 2 – Season Review. Love, Death + Robots Vol. 2 is a step up from its predecessor, offering a tighter and more balanced anthology. While it doesn’t reach the groundbreaking heights of 'Zima Blue' from Vol. 1, this season dials down on unnecessary nudity and shock value, foc

It could be better

not enough titties this time 😔

Love, Death and Robots is all over the place and varies greatly from episode to episode. There was one episode in Volume 1 that I loved, a couple that I liked, a lot that were eh, and a few that were just straight up stinky. There’s a lot of unnecessary nudity and sexualization and it made me uncomf

𝟱.𝟯/𝟭𝟬 👍🏻

é uma série muito boa mas tem alguns episódios que apesar de curtos são bem chatinhos :( tem alguns episódios geniais e outros beeem sem sentido mas não vou discutir sobre pq não sou inteligente o suficiente pra entender a profundidade dos episódios e posso está falando merda

Episodes ranked 1. Zima Blue (5/5) 2. The Witness (4/5) 3. Beyond The Aquila Rift (4/5) 4. Suits (3.5/5) 5. Helping Hand (3.5/5) 6. The Secret War (3/5) 7. Three Robots (3/5) 8. Blindspot (3/5) 9. Sonnie’s Edge (3/5) 10. Sucker of Souls (2.5/5) 11. Alternate Histories (2.5/5) 12. Ice Age (2/5) 13. W

las historias de este volumen no me gustaron del todo...

Лучшый сезон и под руководством Финчера

Better than season 1 in almost every way, even when it's not that interesting (which is most of the time admittedly still) it's at least somewhat entertaining and feels a lot more mature than season 1 with only one real stinker in the entire season. Still could've been better but I dunno I appreciat

Meh show. Most of the episodes feels so plain and shallow and considering how the show can tap it’s full potential like ‘Zima Blue’ or simply offer great and memorable storytelling like ‘Pop Squad’, I’m disappointed with the rest because they’re nothing deep and meaningful, and when they try to be t

This time stories are dull.

Thankfully better than season 2. My fav episodes are easily 1. Jibaro (9/10) 2. Bad Travelling (8/10) 3. The Very Pulse of the Machine (7/10)

IMDb: 8.4/10 Saya tidak begitu merekomendasikan serial ini. Kumpulan animasi singkat dengan berbagai macam genre seperti fiksi sains, fantasi, dan komedi. Bukan untuk anak-anak. Ya, meskipun animasinya terlihat bagus, ini bukan untuk anak di bawah umur, karena mengandung unsur NSFW dan kekerasan

Better than the second season. But are there any improvements in terms of story and leaving the idea of oversexualizing women? Absolutely not.

la animación es una pasada sí, pero por lo general no me dicen mucho las historias :/

This show will have an episode with beautiful animation and an interesting storyline and then it also will have an episode that have Hilter getting his fucking cock suck out by strippers which I absolutely do not need to see. It's kinda a hit or miss show but there are some great episodes here and t

A lot of it is misogynistic dogshit, both in its character writing and how the camera cannot for the love of God stop sexualizing women. The dialogue is awful as well. But, it looks good? And there are some goodies in here. I like the idea of an animated sci-fi anthology, showing off different anima

much better than volume two nice episodes even if they used a lot of insects but this volume has jibaro and thats why its my fav so far

Mis respetos y agradecimiento de verdad a toda la animación que tiene cada capítulo, las historias también están bien chidas y creo que hacen pensar a todos sobre lo que trata cada capítulo. Pero si soy sincero a mi no me paso en este volumen, la sentí muy aburrida, mis capítulos favoritos sería el

official ranking: david fincher one jibaro astraunaut one the one with the rats uhhh the tiny zombies maybe the 3 robots the rest idk

fav episodes: -all through the house -pop squad -tall grass