Backdrop poster for Loiter Squad (2012)
Loiter Squad (2012)
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Reviews for Loiter Squad

why you got so many necklace

Fav fav fav watched countless times

Funny as hell. Currently marathoning like every episode of loiter squad.

so funny and wish i could watch this again for the first time.

Cuando me enteré que tyler the creator tenía una serie para adultos swin casi me muero decidí verla y me cagué de la risa el humor bizarro y negro que manejan en este "show" lo pongo así por que mas bien parece un vídeo de youtube es increíble NADA TIENE SENTIDO

one of my favorite adult swim shows ever

SWAG genuinely the peak for me

great times with this

Best skit comedy show ever.

I’m stuck in the living room with my cousins and this show is the only thing keeping me sane.