Backdrop poster for Land of the Lustrous
Land of the Lustrous
Poster for Land of the Lustrous
1 seasons
, 12 episodes
Episode run time
24 minutes
Oct 7 2017
Last aired
Dec 23 2017

Land of the Lustrous

2017 • 1 season • 24m • Animation, Drama, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy • TV-14
In the mysterious future, crystalline organisms called Gems inhabit a world that has been destroyed by six meteors. Each Gem is assigned a role in order to fight against the Lunarians, a species who attacks them in order to shatter their bodies and use them as decorations. Phosphophyllite, also kno

Seasons (1)

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Good anime like a straight six

if you want a peak short manga read this plz


Reading the manga atm gonna do a review of it once I finish reading it then I’ll watch the anime after

Too lazy for a fully articulated and well structured review today so you're getting this. PROS Firstly, it has an incredibly interesting concept and knack for worldbuilding. A narrative built throughout that shows great possibility, not just for reveals and such as the world keeps being built, but for explorations of interesting themes. Themes of humanity, in particular. This has a lot which it's setting up to hopefully talk about; I am picking the manga up for sure. Secondly, it has possibly one of the greatest soundtracks I've heard, emotional when needed, otherworldly and creepy when needed, intense and exciting when needed, and always so beautifully layered and complex. I'm not knowledgeable in music theory to explain in any detail. I just think it's great. Thirdly, it has some intriguing character development, which I won't spoil, and more is due in the manga without a doubt. Fourthly, it has Some impactful body horror complemented by the world building. It's great stuff. Finally, it has fantastic use of 3D camera work and the CGI aesthetic in battles. As well as this, it has noticeably strong layouts and a powerful aesthetic/ cinematographic identity overall. Not excluding what the CG allows in regards to visualising the gems. CONS The CGI is a great visual asset and more than justifies it's use, I wouldn't want it in another style, but it still leads to a couple very minor issues for me. Firstly, it doesn't always work great for comedy, often feeling like it has the voice acting and the base movement of what anime would usually offer in 2D, but without the full malleability that would have to exaggerate the comedy well. My opinion of course. Secondly, there is this 3D rotating pan kind of camera movement they use, I don't know what the correct term for it is if there is one. Anyways, when it's used in otherwise still scenes and some character moments it feels very unecessary and gimicky to me. Like a Michael Bay scene where the camera has to move. It's distracting. I found it a tad obnoxious, but it did work at times, and its irritating uses were mostly isolated to episode one. Again, the 3D camera work was very good otherwise, particularly in action scenes. Now after that massive nitpick. The con that actually matters to me and thus what score I want to give this (Should definitely be a 7.5, but for some reason I am being very generous and giving it an 8 because I am intrigued enough and expect the manga to deliver. Will see if I change my mind and rate it what I really should based on enjoyment), is that it just kind of ends. The show has a cliffhanger, however, the ending is supremely awkward. While you could argue, and would probably be mostly right, that it's due to the adaptation length compared to the manga, only adapting the start, it nevertheless felt very, very awkward. It doesn't feel like a remotely natural ending. It's extremely abrupt and lacks almost any narrative structure. It doesn't feel like any arc had ended for example, or feel as if any big character moments were particular turning points compared to earlier sections with similarly noticeable changes, to justify ending there, and so forth. The way it cuts between the different pairs in the last few minutes added to this awkwardness, it just felt out of place. There was no reason to do that in the context of the narrative, other than the show thinking it should show you all the characters again quickly because it knows it's about to abruptly end.

Starts off quite strong. It's philosophical, episodic yet serialised, tightly paced and quite angsty. Episode 4 onwards? All downhill. Well, more like a mild rollercoaster. But nowhere near as solid as Episodes 1 & 3. Really wasted potential. Could become a comfort manga by how little changes throughout and how communal it all feels; it's closer to a sit-com than a drama. I don't know. I wouldn't recommend anything past the first three episodes. But it was still fun. Stayed for the character comedy and world building.

Manga review: Can’t believe it’s actually over. Today marks the release of its final chapter so I wanted to talk about it a little bit. Land of the Lustrous started as a story of deep loneliness, isolation, and was a very clear metaphor for body dysphoria. Over time though, it became a biblical text. A story of inner-peace and enlightenment. Full of so many Buddhist concepts and references that I can’t even begin to understand as I’m not nearly educated enough. Those original themes are still present as the story goes on, and those later themes were present when the story started, it’s just the kind of thing you don’t see the full scope of until it’s over. Land of the Lustrous is a bold, depressing, and ambitious story. The body horror in this series is fucked, and Phos’ journey is one of the greatest character arcs to see unfold. Recommend this to all the queers, and to anyone who feels lost or without a purpose. Land of the Lustrous is as much of a biblical journey for the characters as it is for the audience Top 10 Characters: 10. Goshenite 9. Padparadscha 8. Rutile 7. Bort 6. Diamond 5. Adamant 4. Cairngorm 3. Cinnabar 2. Aechmea 1. Phosphophyllite Now give me season 2 of the anime

We will be reading the manga

they really introduced this show as pretty gems running around on a post-apocalyptic earth and it ended up being one of the best critiques of individualism + specialization under capitalism and within our own society, and exploring what it meant to be human

This shit is a fucking masterpiece.

Holy lustrous

Yo, read the manga now. Show is a solid 9, Manga is a 10. Desperately needs a 2nd season Probably the most best way CGI has ever been used in anime.

was so good had to read the manga and it’s just as beautiful. this score has a very special place in my heart. definitely top 3 ever the studio did a phenomenal job imo

season 2 desperately needed… robbing the world of one of the best character arcs ever

Stellar use of CGI in anime resulting in one of the most gorgeous looking anime I’ve ever seen. The characters are great and fantastic, and Phos is interesting. But this review is to say to READ THE MANGA. If the show is an 8.5/10, then the manga is damn masterpiece. 10/10 across the board. If you really liked this then PLEASE I BEG read the manga. It’s finished and it’s one of the most profound I’ve ever read. It’s my Top 2 manga of all time so please give it a chance

steven universo 2.0

Decent start of an adaptation! The opening makes me crazy

Favorite Episodes: Antarctic, Shiro, Spring, First Battle, Return, Soul - Flesh - Bone, Secrets, New Work Least Favorite Episode: Metamorphose Light 7 Outta 10

It is like if Steven Universe started off with the undertones of Steven Universe future!!! So a much better show!!!

im already starting the manga but oml im gonna miss the animation and colors so sooo much !! 😭🫶

The animation style and story are simply amazing! The cliffhanger is killing me though so i really hope there will be another season🙂‍↕️

came for the beautiful 3d-graphics, stayed for the plot. this anime adaptation (especially the abrupt ending) made me start reading the manga itself, and holy shit, i stayed hooked for more than 5 bloody years. houseki no kuni manga is INSANE, it ruined me in the best way possible. please, PLEASE, if you liked the concept of this anime, go and read the manga, i'm begging you. it's one of the best pieces of media i've ever read, i'm so serious

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