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Kidnap (2024)
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Reviews for Kidnap

Pretty solid, it lost me a bit throughout the way and I was less invested then I wanted to be, I think I had such high expectations since my tumblr was going crazy for this months before and really hyping it up. It was very enjoyable and I always love watching Ohm act, and Leng wasn’t bad either.

La verdad pense que iba a tener mucho más drama con la propuesta del secuestro y todo eso... además los ultimos capitulos me parecieron un poquitoo lentos pero esta bien en general, eso solo son detalles. Me gusto mucho, para ser la primera serie de OmhLeng su quimica me gusto bastante y no la sent

Bom desenvolvimento, bons personagens também. Achei o final muito fechadinho e emocionante.

it was for those of us who grew up on wattpad…..and as expected, GMMTV killed the actual kidnap/ransom storyline so fast to simply be a romance (which i didn’t even know was possible with a stockholm syndrome story) because they can never commit to heavier storylines, since all they care about is fa

Super super super cute and fun! Ohm and leng as min and Q was sooooo fun and cute… like i love the “i was hired to kidnap this guy but he’s cute and i’ve fallen in love with him” troupe. Loved the main diva as the villain. Leng is also an actorrrr like wow And he’s so freaking cute… i love his moles

pensé que iba a ser una serie más de síndrome de estocolmo y estoy tan feliz de haberme equivocado. estuvo demasiado preciosa, ame la relación de los protagonistas y todo el trabajo que cada uno de ellos dio en sus actuaciones. si sentí que hubo un pequeño punto en el que la trama se debilitó un poc

OhmLengOhm. The three puppies<3 I was skeptical at first but I’m glad that I gave it a go. Ohm’s gentle gazes and protective side, Leng’s portrayal of trauma and sleepwalking, his soothing voice… Binged for two days.

Mais um BL fofo que a Netflix coloca em seu catálogo. Ela devia saber aproveitar o público dela para colocar mais, porque daria muito certo. Os personagens são fofos, tem ação, drama e coisas kwai. Mesmo com alguns episódios sendo os famosos "fillers", a história como um todo conseguiu se concentr

This series was everything, I really like it. The initial plot of the kidnap didn’t last long, but I’ve like it anyways. Omhleng is a couple nobody expected to have such chemistry and they have surprised me a lot in a good way. There are really cute scenes but also deep ones. I will miss watching th