K-on is super cute and fun, with extremely wholesome characters that will have you smiling so much it hurts your face. There isn’t really a plot/narrative, but that’s to be expected from a slice of life show like this. If you wanna watch something that makes you forget how horrible life can be k-on
Both endings are phenomenal
An obvious influence on Bocchi and other musical anime. K-ON stands tall in not only in it’s killer soundtrack, overall love of rock music but on how well-developed it’s 5 mains are. Never once do you feel the cast is acting out of character. The show established these f
as a wise Yui Hirasawa once said, "After School Tea Time will always be... After School!"
over the past few months as ive been watching other shows i have been doubting my k-on rank, and wondering if it really is still my favourite show. this rewatch cemented that it is. there is such a simple nat
I could literally spend hours talking about how much this show means to me. It’s perfect in every way, the way the characters are developed, the simple plots, the stellar direction by naoko yamada. It’s perfect, soundtrack goes hard too
i have now finished this show for the 10th time
i adore this show so much and owe it alot thank you k-on
go read my other review if u want my thoughts a bit more idk lol
well ive now seen this show 11 times! which is really crazy to think lmao!
k-on really is something thats so personal to me, and i feel as if alot of my love for it comes from that. i discovered it at a time where i was stressing over what happens next in my life, and a bunch of other shit lmao but