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House of the Dragon (2022)
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Reviews for House of the Dragon

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Definitivamente muy diferente y lejos del nivel de la primera. La S1 tuvo una sólida conclusión, buenas peleas a pesar de ser pocas y el desarrollo individual de cada personaje resultó más interesante y disfrutable, los plot en general están mejor armados. Ni hablar de la parte visual, que es lo que

Really underwhelming finale there was one good thing about it and that was that it had a good ending that they can build on with season 2 Characters ranked 1.daemon 2.Rhaenyrs 3.alicent 4.viserys

Very Solid season of TV and not really any flaws, the only issue this season has is that level of world building that most season 1’s have. We only can really connect with Viserys, Rharnerya and Daemon because of lack of screen time for other characters. Overall a season full of build-up and i’m ho

Game of thrones so much better but this still has hope with season 2

S1 was really good and s2 starts with a banger but besides s1, 2x1 and 2x4 it's some of the most uneventful emotionless and boring tv 6.5/10

please man let me see my family again @arbaz25

Acting wise it’s stunning. The performances are easily the best part of it as everyone’s clearly at the top of their ability. The writing leaves a bit to be desired. I understand trusting your viewers and I admire that choice when it works. But there’s a lot of characters at play here and it moves

This season could have been even better. I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes but lately other episodes felt a little dragging. But I really enjoyed it. I didn't like the Daemon story progression this season. He was like a Goat in the season 1 but wasted in this season for a prophecy plotline. Hop

Promising start just got bored after the timeskip. Watched this awhile ago but never finished it lol.

well i did enjoy this season but emma d’arcy yeah we’re getting your awards don’t worry

2 years for 8 episodes is evil btw

Extremely low 4

Writing let it down at times but still a decent season tbh Biggest problem is the characters for me, none of them are really strong at all

Buildup and plotting, buildup and plotting, death serving as buildup, plotting death, so many conversations with characters I don’t care about talking about stuff I don’t care about. I’ll be back for more of the same in two years

Got s1 negs

71 I don't know what it is but I've started to lose my investment a bit. I think it might be because this entire season was nothing but build-up, or that they're focusing on characters that simply don't interest me. Like I don't know about anyone else, but the first season was so strong because it

High 3.5 Yeahhh, this is not even remotely close to S1, i would even say GoT S5 and 6 are superior to this. I was so hyped by the trailers but almost all the good scenes were apparently there. Starting off by the most obvious problem of this season which is that it was all just a set-up for S3, a

for my part, I found some episodes really beautiful at an exemplary level and others that were "meh" or at least this from my vision. I think they took their time with the story of the war anticipating something for you all install them for the third season. With this I'm not saying that in every ep

High 3.5 Can’t write a long review cause I’m in a game but i think people exaggerate how “bad” this season is, I don’t think it’s close to being bad it’s just not as good as last season or 1-4 of game of thrones which people like to compare this to which isn’t really fair I mean got 1-4 is like the

Frustrating is the first word that comes to my mind about this season icl. It is definitely a very good season of television don’t get me wrong but the expectations that I got from S1 and the fact that S3 is atleast two years away (even more perhaps), it’s quite disappointing. The first 4 episodes

Season 2 of House of The Dragon feels like a lot of setup for the future. There’s a lot happening yet it still feels stopped in one place for a majority of the episodes. I believe season 3 will be a banger though. Season 2 may be setup, but at least it’s good setup. My biggest issue is with Daem

I really did enjoy this season or at least I did for the first 4 episodes but then after that this show kind of dipped down in quality. The 4th episode ended on such a high note with the Battle at Rook’s Nest. But then after that the show slows down to a halt and I don’t mind a slow burn but this wa

It wasn't terrible but it wasn't exactly good. We ended season 1 getting hyped for the war and 2 years later we're in the exact same situation.