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House of the Dragon (2022)
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Reviews for House of the Dragon

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Extremely disappointing season. The end of season 1 we see Rhaenyra angry, seemingly wanting nothing but revenge for what happened to her son, and yet she seemed to have calmed down quite a bit and does a lot of waiting around. Most of this season she is just wondering what she could possibly do. Ev


The very definition of a mid season. It's so fucking obvious the people working on this only give a shit about attention on Twitter and just about nothing else. 90% of "cool" shots and "deep" dialogue are really just cringe blatant pandering to their brainless fanbase so they can pretend it's up to

apparently sequel seasons of 2024 have been utter garbage and disappointing. The bear was biggest disappointment, the boys was expected, but this season I was hyped for, s1 of this show was really good and I feel like the producers won’t make the same mistakes they made in GoT 5-8. This season is ba

Erm thanks for the buildup!! the plot definitely progressed a lot. Bravo vince

Boring ass season literally nothing happened lol. Atleast it looks like next season could be peak

This season is pretty much the equivalent to setting up the chess board and not touching it until you find someone else to play with. All the pieces are pretty much there set in place but there’s no one to move them forward. Way too much meandering and set up within a very short 8 episode season. Th

So, I’ve tried not to be THAT guy for two seasons, but the more I read about the writers and the more I think about it, I’m willing to be the one person who calls this show out as less than stellar. I’m so tired of these fucking writers (Ryan Condol and Sarah Hess) thinking they know better than th

Words cannot describe how disappointed I am. I went from not being able to stop watching this show in the first season, binging the f out of it, to forcing myself to finish this season. Where to even begin? I don’t think I have seen any character arc in TV as boring and uninteresting as Daemon’s thi

Boring and all that to build up to what? The way that it was consistently like the last 10 mins of the episode and then carried on like ass until the last 10 mins again? I think maybe it's my fault for wanting it to be like GOT and it's never going to be, all the tits and sex and none of the gore-

Respectfully, what's the point of this season?

I cant even write a proper review because of how annoyed i am fucking horrible show The books will always be superior

HOUSE OF DRAGONS || SEASON 2 - هذا هو الوداع الأخير للمسلسل وليس هناك عودة بالنسبة لي… أولاً هذا واحد من أسوء مواسم التلفاز بدون منازع وبدون شك، أفتقدت شغف المشاهدة من منتصف المسلسل وأفتقدت الاهتمام بشخصيات العمل المتناقضة وكأن شعور مشاهدة مسلسل الثرونز لآخر موسمين شعرت به هنا عندما نكون حاقدين ع

Bro I was so hyped for this season, and I liked it, specially episode 4, but what a boring season with a lot of build up and I could get it if this show was going to be more longer but with 4 seasons seasons like this don’t have that much place, even Mr robot s2 had more intense things and coherent

House of the Dragon? More like House of Dragging.

This series doesn't have the charms that GOT has but it's still great and worth watching.

في هذا الموسم يا اخي اريدك ان تستثني المعركة منه اترك المعركة الاسطورية الي شفناها بالحلقة الرابعة على جنب و شوف الموسم ... راح تلقاه موسم فارغ تماما موسم سيئ موسم كارثي حتى لو نحسب المعركة هي غير كفيلة ان ترفعه من الحضيض كتابة ركيكة جدا جدا و رخص مو طبيعي بكل اختصار هذا الموسم جعل من شخصياته حثالة

Du très bon comme du très mauvais. Un superbe spin off. Carré

Couple of great moments. Wasn’t really impressed by the first season and this still managed to be so much more underwhelming. They can’t fill the huge void Paddy Considine left and now with Eve Best gone too I don’t even know if it’s still worth it

Die Staffel der Depression.

All buildup, no release

Really really 😂