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House of the Dragon (2022)
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Reviews for House of the Dragon

2a>GOT s8>2b

why is everything so bland? like it’s so dry i can’t even sugarcoat it atp. ser criston will never not be able to piss me off. will still finish bec of daemon 😔

Otto is like the only interesting character left in the show and he dips for over half the season

Disappointed. The first season was okay, this is worse

Paddy Considine managed to leave me speechless multiple times watching this, he was that good. And yet this show sucks. Characters do things that make absolutely no sense and none of them are interesting other than Paddy Considine's character. It's not season 8 Game of Thrones level but it's not goo

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la première saison était déjà mid (oui oui), j'avoue que j'avais un peu espoir que la deuxième corrige le tir de la précédente mais finalement c'est encore pire et c'est même pas étonnant vu qu'aucun scénariste était présent sur le tournage à cause la grève (et même si c'était le cas ça aurait pas c

Two years for this

we need a full on investigation on why the writing is so bad

How can a show with so many dragons be so dull?

So utterly boring. Made it through 4 eps before I dropped it. I don't know what they're trying to do here, but it aint working.

this show is only good when otto hightower is in it


Quelle déception

bir iki bölüm dışında baya koca bir sezonu geçiş sezonu olarak yapmışlar. bence bu dizi 2 sezon olarak planlandı baktılar tutunca 1 sezon daha ekleyelim dendi ve böyle saçma sapan bir sezon izlemiş olduk.

qué rayos pasó amix?

sorry but that so sooooo beat, what an utter disappointment

This season was largely terrible. While we criticized season one for blowing through WAY too much content, this one drags so little content over more than eight hours than I'd be shocked if it covered more than like three chapters of the book. I found it almost completely boring. There's no fun char

Vaya santa caca de temporada madre mía. Eso si, los últimos dos capítulos a mi me parecieron tremendos. Pero bueno eso, que espero que no jodan la serie porque la primera temporada fue brutal.

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That was a terrible season

Considering its potential, this is probably the most boring/underwhelming season of TV I’ve ever watched

This one kinda sloppy, but still bearable