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House of the Dragon (2022)
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Reviews for House of the Dragon

i’d smash almost everyone in this show

"showrunner suggests fans should expect succession with dragons" lmao imagine the camera work "i'm the TRUE heir to the iron throne" and the camera zooms in on one of the soldiers side-eyeing another, idk

House of the Dragon has been renewed for season 2.🔥🔥🔥 LET'S GOOO!!!

The great television show is not over. Game of Thrones continues, only years ago in linetime. This spinoff is as good as the best seasons of GoT

I've seen some bad reviews for this season (or at least for some episodes), and I honestly don't understand why. I absolutely loved this season. Pretty much on the same level as the first one for me. Gonna miss staying up till 5 in the fucking morning to watch the newest House of the Dragon episode.

Brilliant first season, I did not remember it being that great. Can't wait for season 2. Gonna do a Game of Thrones rewatch too, because why not. Also GOT/HOTD seasons ranked:

"There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin, and no war so bloody as a war between dragons." AND THIS IS ONLY THE TEASER OMG!! 🔥 SUMMER 2024 CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH 🖤🖤🖤

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this show isn’t even out yet but they got ramin djawadi as the composer he’s going to EAT

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New HOD trailer was peakkk summer needs to hurry up TEAM BLACK ALL DAY

olivia COOKED, emily CARRIED, eve BESTED, milly al-CLOCKED, d'arcy em-MOTHERED -- valar morghulis; or, in high valyrian: 🔥 WOMEN 🔥.

Game of Thrones was special. It had families from all over a fantasy world. The families had likeable characters who you routed for. It had the wall, the nights watch, dragons, and MAGIC to top it all. Each character was interesting and then the show really took off when the character's storylines s

and when olivia cooke absolutely DEVOURS this role and single-handedly revives got's relevance?

It’s Succession with dragons and it’s so good 😫 It’s a real return to form to the first four Game Of Thrones seasons. And it’s incredibly refreshing to get the sour taste of dogshit from season eight out and once again get the sweet beautifully crafted taste of S1-4. I’ve always been most intere

I’m such a sucker for the GOT world, I just love everything about it, the characters, the settings, the politics, even just the character names are great for me lol. This was on par with the first season for me, maybe I do like the first season slightly better as I do think they had a more solid c

Definitivamente muy diferente y lejos del nivel de la primera. La S1 tuvo una sólida conclusión, buenas peleas a pesar de ser pocas y el desarrollo individual de cada personaje resultó más interesante y disfrutable, los plot en general están mejor armados. Ni hablar de la parte visual, que es lo que

A very solid first season. I enjoyed all the episodes,great soundtracks and CGI. Can’t wait 2 years for the next season. And finally a special mention to Matt Smith, who has surprised me with this role.

The real Aegon's Dream: 🖤: "I want to fly with you 💚: "Come with me." on dragonback, see the wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake."

Now if you excuse me I'll have Ramin Djawadi's soundtrack on repeat for the next two years. 🖤

This season is the definition of calm before storm. The story mostly focused on building up tension, establishing allegiances, and rethinking your loyalties. Each side took a heavy loss, which might drown in the approaching chaos of barbarity. A son for a son. A dragon for a dragon. Just a slight ba

Need Daemon vs Aemond asap😁

S2 on June 16 Freaking excited 🙏🏻 The trailers looked epic

No sé lo que haré cuando termine de ver este universo. W final y temporada peak, pero en mi opinión la S1 de GoT sigue siendo superior. La verdad que me esperaba más acción y batallas, pero lo recompensaron con otros aspectos; la cgi es una locura y me fascina cómo muestran los vuelos de dragones, e