Backdrop poster for Hit the Spot (2022)
Hit the Spot (2022)
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Reviews for Hit the Spot

i liked this drama a lot. it's rare to see such explicit themes in south korean products, but i think they handled topics considered taboo in today's society with extreme delicacy and realism

8 episodios passou bem rapido, terminei o drama querendo mais. Achei levinho e é bem diferente ter cenas +18 num drama. Só achei que o casal principal merecia um final melhor pq eles tiveram muita quimica mas tudo bem

i was very surprised to see a Korean series that deals openly with female sexuality, and quite well too. the only drawback i have is that, being so short, i had the feeling that the plot was moving too fast

levei um susto por ver tanto peito e bunda num kdrama só mas me diverti muito parabens aos envolvidos

When they said this was nsfw, they were NOT KIDDING. Holy explicit scenes, Batman! This was unlike any k-drama I've ever watched and I'm surprised it's not more popular in the west. Aside from all the steaminess, the friendship between Mi Na and Hee Jae was super wholesome, and both of their love