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Gangs of London (2020)
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Reviews for Gangs of London

my mum said that joe cole looks like an albino hamster and i can’t stop laughing

Gangs of London mungkin menjadi salah satu series yang memang tidak terlalu eksis di telinga banyak orang, namun mampu menggugah minat untuk segera menamatkan begitu mencicipi episode perdananya. Alasannya tak lain dan tak bukan karena sineas kenamaan Gareth Evans andil menjadi showrunner series asa

The first season was amazing, the second season felt like it was written by someone else entirely and wasn’t my favourite. Still features some great action sequences and impressive performances from the leads and supporting actors alike, making it an overall worthwhile crime drama. Hope season 3 pic

It’s a hard series to review because the first 5 episodes are tremendous with a stunning action extravaganza in episode 5. After that, however, it loses cohesion and just has too much going on. It also has fewer and fewer action scenes and thus the thing keeping me truly engaged is gone.

Now that was something wasn’t it. Fell off towards the end but genuinely surprisingly enthralling first five to six episodes. Good stuff.

‏مسلسل جميل وأسلوب إخراج رائع ‏انتظر الموسم الثاني بحذر ‏إن شاء الله ما يخيب الآمال

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Non stop action from basically start to finish. Some of the sequences were genuinely amazing. Decent plot and an enjoyable show. The first few episodes were an exceptional for a show of its kind. Gets a bit over the top at points though

Absolutely cheering at all the classic sequel tropes that this season deployed, such a fantastic cast - Sope Dirisu for Bond, please and thank you - everybody here looks like they could beat up everybody and the show more than succeeds in doing so. Stellar television.

Really refreshing to have a non American crime show with that level of choreography and cinematography, almost felt weird seeing it based in London. The psychology and attempts at power from all sides was really well thought out and developed across the seasons. Season two built on and excelled wher

Serie de mucha acción, peleas y tiroteos espectaculares. También con una trama de gangsters y conspiranoia en las altas esferas. Y también muy falsa. Excelente thriller de acción, pero no me gustó el final de temporada.

High octane action and political intrigue in the criminal underbelly of modern day London. Fuckin’ hell yeah. Sope Dirisu is incredible.

WOW! Die Action ist der Wahnsinn, die Story die meiste Zeit auch. Bin gespannt was die zweite macht.

Gangs of London is a well acted (mostly) and very well directed show with a great storyline...its basically Game of Thrones but in London with Gangsters. Brutal killings & action this show gives you the main event moments and while them moments are usually reserved for chaerecters we have invested

“I’m a Wallace!” - Sean

The first 5 episodes were absolutely fantastic but they payoff was very unsatisfying. Would still recommend and I hope Season 2 can pick it back up again.

Die zweite Staffel Gangs of London ist wieder eine packende Thriller Serie geworden, erreicht aber zu selten das Niveau der ersten Staffel. Dafür ist die Staffel noch düsterer, konsequenter und radikaler. Hier gibt es keine sympathisch Figuren mehr. Alle gehen über Leichen und verlieren jeglichen mo

This was fun af. Just badass all the way through. Almost every episode has at least one big action set-piece, which I all liked. The first 6 episodes were definitely the strongest. It kinda slows down and gets slightly ridiculous, especially with the absent police.

Favorite episode, episode 5.

(Saw 10 eps on Netflix but there’s only 9 here Just realized my reviews are all off bc of it 😔) Review for ep 10: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Elliot was the punching bag of the season </3