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First Kill (2022)
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Reviews for First Kill

An incredibly irritating waste of a good premise; one that feels like most of the budget was used on its music needledrops that show up more often than euphoria and the leftover cash couldn't even pay for a happy meal. Script is awful, dialogue worse, and the wooden acting helps neither. The leads a

watch Dickinson instead or Yellowjackets

I really tried to make it through episode one. I really did. The music alone was just so bad and I really don’t think VE Schwab can write good scripts.

i would like a vampire sapphic story if it wasn't for the cringey acting

I was taught if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. So my review is

and last💋

the plot was rlly giving wattpad, but my gay ass was loving every single scene with Jules and Cal ngl. it was so cringe but like.. just because I love lesbians, I will definitely be watching the next season

to preface, i deeply wish that first kill was given the resources & writers room that it needed to succeed as a show. i love lesbians! i love vampires! i love lesbian vampires! the finale made it difficult for me to root for the show’s renewal, however. the writers couldn’t even dignify calliope an

As desperate as I am for any sapphic content, this was not it. The writing was awful and the acting was sub par. I'm not even mad that it was cancelled. It just wasn't good, and not even in a so-bad-it's-good way.

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Everyone’s really sexy it’s a shame the show itself wasn’t very good. Poor lesbians

esse é ruim

this screams ganteng ganteng serigala’s vibes

Me la recomendaron tanto que decidí darle una oportunidad, pero la representación no vale la pena si es así. La premisa es buena, las actuaciones no están mal… pero es que el guión es un caos y el cgi es horrible. Estaba esperando un Buffy desde el punto de vista de un vampíro y me he encontrado

the cgi was awful it was so bad that it was funny but a lesbian representation slayyy (go lesbianssss)

if this was made at the same time as twilight i probably would’ve liked it way more


The cgi????

what i needed to see growing up.

eu achava que ia ser A série, mas é só mais uma série que me decepcionou aiai

i really tried to like this, but i just cant

só não dou um zero bem gostoso porque tem lésbica💞

no hay chance de q esto te parezca bueno