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Fate/Zero (2011)
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Reviews for Fate/Zero

Good first season. Great animation as usual and complex characters that I love. The grail system and the champion system was unique and intriguing. The last few episodes had heart-touching soundtrack. Favourite Characters 🏅Iskandar and Co 🥈Archer and Co 🥉Saber and Co Best Episode 1x11 - Discus

Cool first season, nice introduction, i like the setting and this have much Potential. T5 Chars 1 Kirei/Saber 3 Gilga 4 Kiritsugu 5 Alexander

Listen it was good but massively overrated hard carried by s2 i might even lower ratting of s1. In my s2 review are my top character and episodes it doesn't rlly change bcs s1 was mediocre asfff.

One of the roughest pilot episodes I've ever seen but once you get past that, it's really fun! All the characters are compelling and understandable. Our protagonist, Saber, is truly such a likeable hero—she's my fave. And the twists! The politics! Despite all the plotting and scheming, this series

Definitely a really slow burn, but the meticulous worldbuilding and the diverse cast of characters align with their interactions made this an engaging watch. It did feel a little exposition heavy at times, but this is technically a prequel even if most people watch it first, so I can understand why

I expected to have great fights but still the story is not that bad , decent show Rating:7/10

This season is just build up for s2 im hyped for it. Kirei, Gilgamesh and Iskandar are so far my favorite characters. I rlly love the scene where gilgamesh and iskandar clown on sabers goofy dream.

Lovely little season of Television

I'm torn on this one. Parts of this season were really cool but a lot of it feels a bit convenient for the plot. The animation was really good during fight scenes. I did like the character depth as most of them seem well thought out so far but my opinion could definitely change during the next seaso

The last part was pretty disappointing. There weren't many exciting battles, and honestly, the best one was still the first fight between Saber and Lancer from season 1. The storyline felt overly complicated. The story with the black haired dude was just meh, and it ended up being the most important

you got me LA ANIMACIÓN!!

Kotomine Kirei hablando inglés TREMENDO HOMBRE

Favorite Episodes: Disscussing the Grail, The Mage-Slayer, Dark Forest, A Wicked Beast's Roar, The Summoning of Heroes, Spearhead, The Fake First Shot, The Forbidden Feast of Madness, The Grail Beckons Least Favorite Episode: Rin's Big Adventure Strong 7 Outta 10