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Fakes (2022)
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Reviews for Fakes

nah there’s something going on with zoe and sophie like,,,, there’s no way there isn’t 🤔🤔 especially during the last few episodes ??? no way

i live for bad teen shows

really liked they way they did the episodes

quick easy binge, love a bad teen show

claramente no es la mejor y no estoy desesperada porque salga otra temporada pero esta buena qsy me gusto mucho que ponga literalmente la perspectiva de ambas y que rompan la 4 pantalla ahre

está buena cuánto a que la cancelan


Ok so why would they end with a hostage situation type of cliffhanger knowing the average Netflix TV show's life expectancy post 2020 is barely one season.

I liked the split perspectives we get, kinda frustrating not knowing what the real story is but I’m inclined to believe Zoe because Rebecca is so fucking annoying. Some of it so unbelievable it almost makes it funny.

Deux filles montent un bizness de faux carte d'identité et deviennent tellement excellentes que leur entreprise se développe. La série est plutôt classique mais ça passe. Le jeu d'acteur est moyen, le thème est un peu étrange.

She was cute. I’d watch a season two if there ends up being one.

Gostei *nao lembro*

An enjoyable series with some very funny episodes.Sometimes the screaming was too much but it still made laugh. Just hoping netflix doesn't cancel this one.