A veces siento que esta serie no va a ningún sitio y que sólo da vueltas y vueltas de manera aleatoria. Quiero que me siga gustando pero no sé, algo no termina de hacerme click.
i could write a million essays about the parallels between zøg and bean... like i genuinely feel sick just thinking about it. the father daughter duo ever
zog saying oh no as he was falling into the water was my fav part i literally love the jester but then him not appearing in the water when bean said dad? omg i died
4/10 - Dislike
Honestly, I feel like the ventroqiliquist dummy should of been a 1 episode thing, and Freddie been a gaslighting esque character is another reason why I'm not a fan of this episode because that is Freddie was.
"I'm not a man of rocks anymore. I'm a man of peace."
"Then what about those boulders over there?"
"Don't mind those."
Everything regarding Dreamland is honestly the least interesting part of the series at this point. A lot of the Dreamland plots were interesting and fun at first but at this point,