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S01 E08
Poster for Devs: Season 1
Episode 8
Apr 16 2020 • 51m
Lily arrives for her final confrontation with Forest and Katie.


S01 E08 · Episode 8
Did not see that coming.

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Alex just Garlanded all over my TV screen. HOLY. I fucking called it. DEUS. You ain’t fooling anyone but still I think my brain hurts? Or it melted? That fucking score. Horrifying. Deus Ex Machina. Fucking awesome. Katie be like: “Don’t forget to pay the power bill, please!” I was thinking lily mig

S01 E08 · Episode 8
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S01 E08 · Episode 8
It's quite possible I'm just too dumb but this can never seem to decide on whether it believes in the many universe theorem or pure, one path only, determinism. Maybe that's the point. On the bridge Katie suggests there are multiple possible outcomes but that could just be to persaude Lyndon to kill

S01 E08 · Episode 8
My mind is spinning after that finale but I honestly really liked it and for me it was a fitting ending for the show.

S01 E08 · Episode 8
guatafak no entiendo nadaaa

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Not cool that the cycle continues. But I’ll accept it since Lily and Jamie are able to get back together. Even if it’s under super creepy circumstances.

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Sometimes, it's a good thing that I procrastinate on logging stuff on here, because if I logged this immediately after watching, I might have given it 4-and-a-half stars, but after mulling it over for a few days, some of its messaging doesn't seem to land on a particularly strong stance. Is determi

S01 E08 · Episode 8
I mean I don’t know what I THOUGHT was gonna happen

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Hmmm okay, that took a weird turn that I didn’t see coming. But still kinda satisfying I guess. For me the ending didn’t matter as much as the rest of the story.

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Okay……maybe I’m too dumb to understand but it’s just all kind of underwhelming

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Maybe I'm too dumb for this, idk. I don't really get it 😭

S01 E08 · Episode 8
works for me no completamente lo que me esperaba

S01 E08 · Episode 8
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S01 E08 · Episode 8
Final raro pero estuvo bueno

S01 E08 · Episode 8
queue “Heaven is a place on earth”

S01 E08 · Episode 8

S01 E08 · Episode 8

S01 E08 · Episode 8
(8/10) Didn’t fully LOVE that ending, but it was still a good finale

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Good last episode, probably wouldn't recommend the show overall though

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Kinda cheesy, but it feels earned. Great show, great themes.

S01 E08 · Episode 8
So this is one of those Garland projects that has more questions than answers but that’s the way I like them, so this really worked for me. Determinism vs free will? Put it in my veins. I really dug Offermans performance, especially in the scenes with Mizuno as they discuss said dilemma. Will b

S01 E08 · Episode 8
Me esperaba de todo, menos ese final Bravo Garland bravo 🤌🏻😍

S01 E08 · Episode 8
I would've found it near impossible not to murder Forest when he says that Deus shit! My hopeful reading of this is free will and many worlds won out, at least to the extent that you can change the predicted future once it's shown to you if you're not a huge idiot. The design of that vacuum sealed