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Detroiters (2017)
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Reviews for Detroiters

Why exactly are you people watching any show that isn't Detroiters

so glad that tim and sam are doing it think think you should leave, because that fits their style so perfectly, but this very strange very funny show is also such a fun thing to watch.

Absurd and heartwarming. Missed this when it was first out but I binged it with my partner over Covid and it's become a favourite in our house. The cinematography, writing, and character building is all so well done. I wish it had more than two seasons, such a solid show.

i want what they have

bring it back!

I need a season three immediately

god that was fun. Went into this kinda like "oh it'll just be the warm-up to I Think You Should Leave" but nah it was totally its own thing. we love a show about bros who love each other!!

so long, boys. we'll always have the pooping car

woke up with "oooo dev-a-rooow" stuck in my head and had to rewatch the whole season. absurd but not wacky. this is the kind of thing that could get on my nerves if it wasn't done right. but instead it's perfect.

Fucking brilliant.

a perfect show to watch with matt?

gone too soon… all I wanted was a 3rd season to wrap up this wonderful show that hits home for me.


I pray they bring this show back

Like the prototype of I Think You Should Leave. Painfully funny stuff. Watching this while biting my fingers off in anticipation about the election.

Start: 241231 Finish: 250102 Liked it a lot more the second time. Watching with someone else changes the experience!! Also the Cramblin-Duvet office is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen?

one of the greatest sitcoms of all time

Have no idea how I didn’t watch this till now DAMM!! Ik this having 2 seasons led to Tim having a rrly good career and making “I think u should leave” but this jus has the sause and season 2 development of everything is jus something u don’t get anywhere else 💔

some say better than ITYSL

Tim Robinson is a comedy goat

This show never should've ended. Absolutely absurd premises that somehow were also so realistic...if we all had no filters & had "high brain" all the time.

I've watched every episode three times, and I'm in the midst of my fourth run. I just absolutely love it.

The world simply wasn’t ready for this