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Desperate Housewives (2004)
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Reviews for Desperate Housewives

so many pairings and storylines this season were just.. off.. but orson was such a cool new character and his story was interesting! the reveal was nice bc at least bree didn’t choose the wrong man AGAIN. not the strongest season

this show is so excellent but 24 45 minute long episode seasons is just so hard to maintain a plot. season 1 was so expert level in how it kept momentum for every single episode, this season didn’t really do that. the entire first half i didn’t even know what the overarching plot was, then in the se

An all-around decent season. In retrospect, the 5-year time jump still feels a bit weird for me just because of how jarring it was in S4, but it does lead to a lot more interesting storylines for the core characters other than being standard housewives. The biggest highlight of this season for me wa

season 1 is iconic in a way that it’s the beginning of something iconic. it’s very 2004, i’ll say that!

i love mess

Circling back to its roots, Desperate Housewives’ penultimate season proves to be a much stronger season than its last two, with the mystery returning to the focus of Paul Young, and each of the characters’ storylines being consistently entertaining. You can really feel that the show is coming to an

It’s really entertaining and engaging despite its more problematic aspects. It does have this tendency to drag out the propulsive parts of the plot and left a lot for season 2. It’s great though

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye You were bigger than the whole sky You were more than just a short time And I've got a lot to pine about I've got a lot to live without I'm never gonna meet What could've been, would've been What should've been you… long live queen edie 🕊️💔😞

eco-terrorists and a serial killer were wayyy too much for 1 season

looks like they let out evil dale out of the black lodge again

this season, like many shows back in the day, dragged on way too long and lots of it didn’t age well. that was also an underwhelming ending. overall was lots of fun though I love crazy white women BREE VAN DE KAMP MOTHER!

Better than S2 but S1 still currently holds the #1 spot for me. Some pretty crazy ass plotlines which were mostly entertaining and mostly not a complete waste of time (*cough* McCluskey's husband *cough*) The Bang episode was GREAT, one of the best ever. Wish I saw the girlies' plotlines more connec

Still missing Edie.

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Angie was such a good character damn it💔💔💔💔

Not my fav season, but the ending was perf 🥲

love the show but this is by far the most boring season😭 only good thing was angie.

possibly my favorite season finale?? but this season was kind of a mess even with the return of paul young, and they did not give vanessa williams enough to do, she deserved her own plotline rather than being a side character in everyone else's stories

hmmm this kind of dragged a bit, 5 year time jump sure, i did like the dave storyline and lynette going through everything but everything kind of blended into bleh

I know I said Carlos could do no wrong but shaving his beard was sickening. The storyline with Carlos, Gabi, Juanita and Grace was so sad and Carlos and Gabrielle were so awful at points (… calling ICE??). But I love them as a couple so much ——— Spoilers ——— I have been begging for Lynette and Tom

Easily the season I have the most to talk about, but I mean that in a positive way. I’ll just start off by saying the first half of this season was not clicking for me at all. Everything with Katherine was just a mess, the episodes themselves were kind of slow lackluster, and the overall Bolan myste

not as good as the first but i still enjoyed it

Go girls!! Give us deceit! Give us revenge! Commit crimes!

odio al alcalde novio de gaby no puedo