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Designated Survivor (2016)
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Reviews for Designated Survivor

I love this show, well the first 2 seasons.

i see it playing among the top best S1's out there, u can't even imagine, how many abstract things are floating beneath the surface. the vital sequences of a chain reaction, the schemers who belong to a conspiracy or political power games, all of that surrounds one bigger picture. this season has th

I watched this a while ago. Really enjoyed the first two seasons and then the 3rd season just kind of fell off pretty hard.

stopped watching when i realized they were dropping the emily/aaron storyline the writers just weren’t seeing the vision like i was

Utter woke nonsense, the most disappointing and shity season I've seen on any tv show compared to previous seasons, I've watched GOT season 8 and the entire RIVERDALE show but this one hurt my eyes and ears the most. It doesn't even deserve Half a star.

7.5/10 Very entertaining for most part, the ones that aren't gives you headaches

No idea why I watched this, I’m not even American

not to be dramatic but if aaron and emily don’t get together i’m k*lling myslef


has a solid premise yet suffers mostly from the execution, many technical choices could’ve been made to improve the overall quality of the production aswell

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i didn't expect that i would like this series so much but it was interesting to watch, the premise is good and the execution was well done, even though there were too many episodes that ended up dragging the story. i haven't decided yet if i'm going to continue and watch the second season but maybe

not going to continue 👍👍👍

no notes

The show was mid at best. Here's what a typical episode would look like, there would be some threat that the American people are faced with. This will be an unsolvable problem, all of a sudden someone from Kirkman's team will pull out an idea out of nowhere and that will save the day. This is how ea

i like this show for reasons of politics

Lyor lo único bueno de esta mierda, la mayor americanada que he visto en mucho tiempo

Enjoyed the first two seasons. Loved the plot line. Not keen on the third season. It went downhill a bit.

Season 1 was definitely the best of the three, great balance between the white house storyline and the fbi storyline and they came together quite nicely, not every episode was amazing but the premise of the show is really interesting and you grow to love all the main characters

Kind of corny but I enjoy it

Finally allowed some swearing

Me gusto mucho, pero sucedió como la mayoría de las series, luego que sacan a uno de los actores o actriz fundamentales y principales pierden su esencial y el norte que tenía. Pero de todas formas me encanto.