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Daybreak (2019)
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Reviews for Daybreak

Deserved so much better like netflix you will pay for the lack of promo this show got

the girls that get it get it!

3.7/5 I love this show it’s so camp 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ at its core Daybreak is a high school zombie apocalypse samurai soap opera and I personally fuck with it hard 💆🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️ I love apocalypse shows so much and Daybreak is such a non serious romp through the genre. Scott Pilgrim meets Mad Max meets

Watched this a while ago and never logged it Look I totally understand everyone's low rating of the show and heck, if I was looking at it objectively maybe I'd rate it lower too but I would be a goddamn liar if I told you this wasn't some of the most fun I've had with a TV show.

mediocre. the ending didn’t make sense to me, seemed very out of character

This show was extremely fun and Netflix fumbled it, I watched it years ago and i see why people don't like the ending, but the show is short and funny so I would still recommend (since it's not getting a second season it probably would of just been better to see a happy ending) (also had to remake t

It was just meh to me.

Amazing season 1’s The cast are so fun

Its sad they canceled it after only one season. Would have been such a great serie if it continued. And this had the worst ending ever.

still so so mad netflix cancelled

Imo par stvorih koje se nebi svidile FORstagramu al zato neznom je ikad serija ovako dobro tretirala koncept pripovjedaca pogotovo nepouzdanog. Imo puno stvori za koje bi reko da su me ne somo iznenodile nego da su medu ako ne i nojboje odradene u usporedbi sa svim drugim cason gledo. Steta ca je o

meh production value, shoddy acting. it was okay.

me gusto mucho pero mas por el hecho de que te encariñas y te cagas de risa, la serie y los efectos son muy pedorros, pero me encanta la tematica y que sean todos adolescentes en un apocalipsis, como dicen ahi es como GTA

the ending was very... interesting!

I didn't go in with any expectations and it was okay, mediocre at best, probably why it got cancelled

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there’s something hilarious and twisted about a post-apocalyptic high school where cliques roam the wasteland like gangs. the main guy is dead-set on finding his missing girlfriend, but the real fun comes from the random band of outcasts tagging along. the mix of zombies, teen drama, and tongue-in-c

it was just okay but still amusing to watch. shouldn’t have gotten cancelled :/

i watched it, i forgot i watched it, i remembered i watched it, i think it was pretty bad maybe

Se aprecia la creatividad para abordar una historia apocalíptica, pero en general todo es muy meh, los últimos capítulos me gustaron más, resignificaron la historia, solo así alcanzó el 6 de calificación.

Probably one of the best series i have seen, the show was amazing trough every episode. I absolutely hated the ending tho, it was extremely unclear what was going to happen next

The MOST heartbreaking show cancellation I've ever experienced. This show had so much potential. The world was so fun and interesting. I think it's biggest mistake was choosing the most boring character to be the protagonist.

I think that in the eight years I've been following series, Daybreak is perhaps the series I've been most disappointed by. I just love the first episode, but then it's just cringe scene after cringe scene, with a tenebrous romantic/explanatory background. It's a shame.

idk what to say not what i expected. but it has some funny elements to it