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S07 E05
Poster for Dance Moms: Season 7
New Kid on the Block
Dec 27 2016 • 42m
Abby brings in a new dancer with an eccentric mother; Abby encourages Brynn to lead Kalani and Kendall in their trio; the mothers are nervous when Abby assigns the first hip-hop routine since the elites walked out.


S07 E05 · New Kid on the Block
camryn is so gorgeous

S07 E05 · New Kid on the Block
I LOVED the group dance. I liked Jamie (Maesi’s mom) and Camryn’s mom. I love Jill, Kira, and Ashlee sticking up for Jamie. And the Blackbirds storyline was so cool.

S07 E05 · New Kid on the Block
Marks the second time a Yolanda ruined another young girl’s life

S07 E05 · New Kid on the Block
Yolanda killed Selena and Jaimie’s brother