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S01 E03
Poster for Criminal: UK: Season 1
Sep 20 2019 • 44m
The team badgers a reticent truck driver to locate an abandoned trailer full of immigrants, but a new interrogator's poor decision jeopardizes it all.


when things that seem inconsequential finally click into place... ough. although i did enjoy the more evidence-based investigation in the first episode with clues and such i really like how each episode has a different focus! and. me likey detectives

damn they left us hanging with that ending 😭 but phenomenal episode just as the others

I remember this being very good but i think i fell asleep ten minutes before it ended 😭😭

Probably the weaker of the 3 episodes, Jay was still able to be an empathetic suspect but the whole drinking stuff and then Natalie looking out for herself at the end added more drama than the show needed.

a dci hobbs jogando a mesa.....

that shot of Hobbs vaping at the window would look so much cooler with a cigarette vapes just look so dorky

Mark Stanley did what he had to do

this show is SO good on a rewatch as you’re able to pick up on all the very subtle clues about hugo’s drinking. it’s so clever!!!! also i hate myself for being so invested in natalie and tony’s little will-they-won’t-they x

the only slightly boring episode but still good