Backdrop poster for Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Poster for Courage the Cowardly Dog
4 seasons
, 102 episodes
Episode run time
11 minutes
Nov 12 1999
Last aired
Nov 22 2002

Courage the Cowardly Dog

1999 • 4 seasons • 11m • Animation, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Comedy, Kids • TV-Y7
Stupid dog. You make me look bad.
The bizarre misadventures of a cowardly dog named Courage and his elderly owners in a farmhouse in Nowhere, Kansas.

Seasons (5)

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an iconic classic that washes most of the horror genre today #makechildrensshowsscaryagain

My love for horror started here, this show was my everything.

I didn’t know I was watching peak back then 😭

More iconic than Twin Peaks and Dark combined.

Horror, horror, everywhere! Courage screams, babbles and howls 💗🖤

One of the best cartoons ever

One of the underrated cartoons.

this was such a traumatizing show but fucking hilarious at the same time,,,a masterpiece that was way ahead of it’s time for sure

Courage my sweet, brave dog! I love him and all his little quirks. This show is honestly one of the best cartoons ever. The horror-comedy blend is fun and enjoyable for everyone. Seriously one of the best shows.

scared the shit outta me as a kid

A great opening for a great show. There are only two episodes I think they are below the 3 and a half stars and so many perfect episodes like Freaky Fred or the hunchback. It is the best of slapstick jokes with dark tone and great horror parodies. I'm looking forward for more.

This show damaged by young mind

The last episode makes me think is Courage the Cowardly Dog a perfect cartoon, and the answer is no courage far away from perfect and that's why made it a masterpiece, it can do horror, comedy, adventure, action and drama with soundtracks from another universe everytime. I hear Muriel theme or sad m

Courage gave me the courage to watch horror films cause they have nothing on this twisted cartoon.

a mi no me engañan esto es para adultos no para nennes

All my mentally ill girls who’s love for horror was sparked during the time their parents were getting divorced say I 🙋🏼‍♀️

This show Is everything for me ❤️

While not as standout as some of the later seasons, S1 of Courage is still an absolute classic. It's a basic formula, but it works. I can't help but laugh at whatever horrors beyond my comprehension this poor dog has to face, love Courage so much.

The villains were as good as the first two.

Pretty better than the last one. I really liked that origin episode, I really wished courage met his parents, ugh. And I definitely remember watching the "Ball" episode on Cartoon Network plenty of times. I will miss courage. One of my favorite shows from my childhood.

I love how courage puts his live for his small family even tho He is Afraid of Ghosts.