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Couples Therapy (2019)
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Reviews for Couples Therapy

i think show is so interesting! i loved getting insight and hearing the different perspectives from both sides of the relationship (non-biased). the best part is that you can tell it’s real & raw. it puts a lot of things in perspective and some of the advice is applicable to your own relationships.

this show is so fascinating! it feels so raw and i loved that they showed dr orna’s insight sessions to further dive into her process with each couple. this may be a new comfort watch that i keep coming back to

TLC with good cinematography.

Orna is mother of the house of Freud. The last episode made me cry like they really did therapyed

Actually obsessed with listening to people going to therapy and seeing different couples going through different things. Some are so similar while others are super unique. Also really interesting seeing the therapist going to her own councillor to figure out how to do her job better

Prestige reality TV. Come for the more eccentric personalities, stay for the cutting insight into life under quarantine and the lasting baggage our parents leave us with.

i think the better thing to analyze than their relationships is why they would ever agree to do this. i hope this is reality tv in the way the kardashians is. but anyways i am grateful that they all chose to make this delusional decision, very interesting and done well i def had fun psychoanalyzing

Devastated that I have no more episodes left to watch right now!

Refreshing to see a reality show that genuinely seems to care about its subjects. Surprised this show isn’t bigger honestly, very real and accessible.

First season u can truly root for every relationship, wish they did update.

literally going to go become a therapist after this💅🏻if mau walks through my doors im quitting

Tried to make it last but binged through this too fast too... where am I gonna get my free therapy now :(

This is my dream docuseries lol

Mau and Mikael are tied for most insane participant (but Mau probably edges a bit ahead). Can’t wait to see who season three serves up!

the only show to ever make me remove my ijbol hat and lock tf in. this shit is REAL LIFE!!!!

Fascinating, especially for someone pursuing a career in therapy

sooooooo fascinating to watch pls give me 50 more seasons immediately

This show needs to be taught in schools. I don’t care what anyone says this is ART

I could watch this show forever and ever.

Superb show! Kinda crazy ethically but I guess they all signed on for it. Really fascinating and lots of notes to take about our own relationships.

orna is my beyoncé

seasons 1 & 2 best

all i got is… mau is a gorgeous man and i can fix him

I hate how fucking fascinating this was