Backdrop poster for Candy (2022)
Candy (2022)
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Reviews for Candy

i’m glad they didn’t drag it out but at the same time the story was so …..? the last episode was just so unbelievable like we’re just supposed to believe her… ok. and the court scenes were just completely absurd and idk if it’s bc of the time period or not but yike

Reductive of the experiences of women that the story was based off. Also the part where the husband tries to swing the axe for 41 times just to know if his wife really did it, because apparently "men are biologically stronger than women."

Serie inégale. Jessica Alba enlaidie mais seulement en ajoutant de grosses lunettes et une coupe de cheveux discutable. La série a le mérite de nous plonger dans des décors et looks des années 80. Après un début haletant, sous entendant une intrigue complexe, à partir du troisième épisode nous tomb