Backdrop poster for Camp Lazlo
Camp Lazlo
Poster for Camp Lazlo
5 seasons
, 114 episodes
Episode run time
22 minutes
Jul 8 2005
Last aired
Mar 27 2008

Camp Lazlo

2005 • 5 seasons • 22m • Animation, Comedy • TV-Y7
The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the qui

Seasons (6)

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This is the most diverse summer camp ever

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(review from when I finished the show) heres another poorly written review for a cartoon that i cant put into words how much i love. even though i didnt watch it as a kid and never did until now, REALLY REALLY REALLY love this show. almost every episode made me smile like an idiot just because its

This show is very good. It is definitely watchable. It has very fun characters and good episodes. What's shocking is that I can remember every single episode of this show and I haven't watched it since I was a kid.

oh lazlo if only you knew what you've done for my mental health

Delightfully old school and very charming. Way too many people label it as SpongeBob 2.0 when that doesn’t take into account how different the setting, character dynamics/personalities, and overall vibe are. Kinda gets worse as it gets along and ends on a flat note, but each season has plenty of goo

Funny little show from back in the day. I still remember being super shocked by the twist ending which is wild for a kids cartoon.

A classic, I feel like it should get more recognition like CN's other classic shows like Dexter, Fosters and Chowder.

feels like nobody remembers this show. Wasn't great tho

I didn’t like this.