Backdrop poster for Burning Love
Burning Love
Poster for Burning Love
3 seasons
, 42 episodes
Episode run time
23 minutes
Jun 1 2012
Last aired
Apr 26 2013

Burning Love

2012 • 3 seasons • 23m • Comedy
Burning Love is a scripted comedy series which is a web spoof of the television shows The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad. Depending on the season, the show either follows a man or a woman who is looking for the perfect mate from a pool of contestants, or has contestants living together

Seasons (4)

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A true piece of genius

Unhinged, unreal, undeniably funny.

A true piece of genius (pt. 2)

This is the best show ever made

so stupid godbless 😔🙏

The crayon line is my favorite joke ever

The bestest show ever conceived

pitch perfect bachelor parody!!!

Wtf is this shit I love it

The cast of Party Down + The League + Another Period + Childrens Hospital (and its spinoffs) all get together to parody The Bachelor The results? Average, very very average It's just not that funny despite the all star cast. I do enjoy most of The State affiliated stuff I've seen but this just fee

best season. anything men do women can do better

Some of America's best comic talent, wasted on one note characters with a criminally small amount of screen time. I imagine it's more rewarding if you're more familiar with the Batchlorette franchise. This show has its moments, but fails to capture the magic of some of these actors other projects.

so funny and ridiculous. season 2 best season