Backdrop poster for Because This Is My First Life
Because This Is My First Life
Poster for Because This Is My First Life
1 seasons
, 16 episodes
Episode run time
60 minutes
Oct 9 2017
Last aired
Nov 28 2017

Because This Is My First Life

2017 • 1 season • 60m • Comedy, Drama, Cozy, K-Drama, Rom-Com
Realistic issues of six friends living their first lives.
Nam Se-Hee is a single man in his early 30s. He has chosen to not marry. He owns his home, but he owes a lot on his mortgage. Yoon Ji-Ho is a single woman in her early 30s. She does not own a home and envies those that do. She has given up on dating due to her financial struggles. Yoon Ji-Ho begins

Seasons (2)

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I wish korean men were real

My dad recommended this show to me several months ago since it was his favorite K-drama (alongside 미생 and 49 Days). I was not a fan of a certain event that happened early on, so I wound up dropping it. However, my curiosity inevitably got the best of me and I decided to give this show another shot,

Unexpectedly sweet and nice. Also made some really valid points about relationships and marriage.

A rewatch definitely needed cause I liked a lot of things but I didn't connect properly to the show.

somewhat boring in the very beginning but something about the really cliche tropes being so well written had me so invested

soft, awkward, cringey, corny, healing drama i didn’t know i needed. every episode felt like a warm hug from equally clueless, emotionally constipated adults just trying to figure life out—aka, my people. the whole contract marriage trope? dumb. overused. absolutely adorable, and i ate it up like i

La realidad de la vida adulta

Me saca una sonrisa sin darme cuenta. Y el gato es tan lindo, quisiera tener uno pero no soy buena para tener mascotas. Otras cosas que me gustaron fueron las referencias de películas y cómo Ji-ho obtenía inspiración para escribir mientras hacía las tareas domésticas... es muy verdadero. Lee Min-ki

"A los que viven este momento, con toda mi sinceridad, les deseo la mejor de las suertes. Porque esta es la primera vida de todos." Mi corazón está lleno, esto me complementa, lo juro. Es justo lo que necesitaba. Es la cosa más hermosa, acogedora y honesta que he visto. Una buena representación de

this was cute, but i think it needed less episodes? they did not have too much to cover and the last few episodes just kinda dragged a bit.

“Since our relationship started with a handshake, I thought it would be right to end it with a handshake. The first half of our relationship was marriage, but I want our second half to be love.” - “If one thinks they’re making their loved one suffer, it makes them hate themselves.” - “Words, too,

roomates to lovers??? this show was immaculate

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-1/2 star because of how the besties arcs played out

just because you have lived yesterday, that doesn’t mean that you know everything about today.

nam sehee, if only you were real ᓚᘏᗢ♡

lo BOLUDO q me parecia sehee cuando no le confesaba sus sentimientos a jiho pero sacando eso es tannnnnnn linda uno de los mejores kdramas q vi y hermosísimo el final ❤️

que bello gatitooo😭

loved the first half after that it got really boring and i just wanted it to be over.

because this is my first life

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I lost interest with the main couple halfway though. Toughed it out because the secondary couples made it worth it