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Baby Reindeer (2024)
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Reviews for Baby Reindeer

Limited Series
Wittily told but mortifying to digest. Dances above dark, bottled up asphyxiation and laughing at the face of madness so we deny eating ourselves away from the screen's poisonous, inhabitable (un)comfort zone. Something about this show feels important to tell: Jessica Gunning is an unhinged nightmar

Limited Series
once again feels weird to review someone’s lived experience. jessica gunning and nava mau were standouts in this, absolutely incredible performances. loved the dad. on a lighter note: his stand up comedy was atrocious and actually really hard to watch, I felt like tearing my eyes out at certain poi

didn’t end up being what I was expecting ngl poor guy has been through it, he has many more than 13 reasons

el retrato que tiene a nivel historia y audiovisual es genial porque es envolvente pero a su vez también, por partes, es incómodo de ver. he visto series que trataban temas de abuso o acoso pero esto no es nada de lo que haya visto antes, destaco mucho el hecho de que sea diferente y el detalle en


Hmmm. Very mixed feelings. There were a lot of decisions in this that I strongly disagreed with (the over abundance of voiceover for one) Very hard to watch (purposefully, I get it) and very very frustrating. I’ve never wanted to scream at my TV so much. I do not think I could ever in a million year

Review from Letterboxd back in July!!!! After seeing how many Emmy award nominations this show garnered, I was intrigued. However, I leave feeling rather mixed and mildly disappointed? I kept notes as I was going along, so below is my thoughts per episode :) Episode 1: The show starts very abruptl

- رعب غريب بتعيشه طوال هذا المسلسل، والرعب يزيد لما تعرف أنه مقتبس من قصة حقيقة, قصة صعب أن تُصدق والبهارات كانت واضحة - لما تعطي الميانة للشخص الغلط وتستقبل بأقوى نشبة منها… هو هذا المسلسل بإختصار - المسلسل بدأ بداية رائعة ومثيرة للاهتمام لكن من الحلقة الرابعة اتجه بطريق غريب ومقرف وكأنه يبغى يمط

martha scary bro

Limited Series
The show touches on themes such as obsession, loneliness, and mental health, which are explored with sensitivity and nuance. The performers deliver compelling performances, especially Jessica Gunning. However, while the show is well-executed, it may not be for everyone. The subject matter can be uns

maluquice..... 👁👁

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One of those rare movies where you absolutely do not know how to feel


crazy af

And I was like, "Why you so obsessed with me?" sent from my iphon

Decent show but it’s felt boring in parts

Serie interesante. Pero da paja que el fuerte es nada mas el relato. Fuera de eso, o si no fuese un hecho real tal vez no seria lo mismo. Pero todo el tema de lo que le pasa al chabon y como piensa la verdad que al final esta muy bien representado y explicado. Que duro vivir algo asi.

مرعب والارعب اكثر انها قصة حقيقية

Limited Series
It was an interesting watch, I hope he’s found peace. However this felt too dragged for me. Sent from my iPhone

★★★ 3 stars 70 / 100 This was depressing and sad Favorite Character: Donny Dunn Top 5 Characters: Donny Dunn, Martha Scott, Mr. Dunn, Mrs.Dunn, Keeley

From my ipon

squiggly plot at times but the finale was a redemption

Limited Series
como pode o caos que ela foi ter trazido tranquilidade pra um sentimento horroroso que ele tinha?