Backdrop poster for Awkward. (2011)
Awkward. (2011)
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Reviews for Awkward.

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
i love the milf and dilf scenes (jenna’s parents)

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
why is her dad so fuckin hot 🥵 JAKE IS SO NICE TO YOU WHY DO YOU OBSESS OVER GARBAGE

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
the scene where jenna and matty kiss was so sweet “you were being my hero” “i was trying to be”

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
- “Maybe people would stop staring at you if you finished the abortion your mom botched” OMFG - “Enough with the bum chum. No one likes gay porn before noon” LMAOOO - Sadie showed how much of a c*nt she is in this episode 😭😭 - Jake is so nice to Jenna and Matt ain't shit. - That guidance counselo

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
another bonkers episode with some sprinkles of transphobia and microaggressions

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
the whole school laughing at Sadie’s spanks showing just isn’t realistic but this show is fr something else what entertainment before bed

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
Jake is such a terrible boyfriend

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
pretty positive if this happened irl the person would be expelled (+ possibly more) for distributing child p-word……..

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
That Bangladeshi line is crazy

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
having that much chemistry only 2 episodes in is grammy worthy

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
This show is on another planet. Everything out of everyone’s mouths is unhinged. The scene between Jenna, Sadie, and Valerie is a beautiful nightmare. And girl, up your standards, please. Matty doing the decent thing is not being a hero.

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
had no business watching this so young bruh like why was i on my mothers laptop creating fake blog posts

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
MattyJenna kill me nowww

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
An improvement over episode one. I thought the term "b*mchum" or as they use it here "b*mchumming" was a UK-only slang term, didn't realise it travelled across to the US. The things we randomly learn.

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
this love (will be your downfall) being played the moment matty & jenna officially start their situationship, oh mtv do you know how cinematic this was

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
That needle drop was something serious

S01 E02 · Knocker Nightmare
Oh no, it's six am and I'd forgotten just how much I love this show. This won't end well. (My life, not awkward..)