there’s obviously huge differences but the walking dead & this show are alike in sooo many ways. who copied who???
I also never thought I would see a blimp in this universe, it felt like I was in the future for a second lol
Worst rts episode for sure but still incredible. It’s between a high 4.5 and low 5 but I’ll be generous (as always) and give it a 5. Can’t wait for next episode
A very calm one after all that happened during those last episodes.
There are some beautiful scenes in this. First with the Colossal titan crying and then the walk to their house, remembering memories of their childhood.
I’m excited to see that next episode, I’m entering the AOT part that I know l
FINALMENTE, venimos esperando esta revelación desde el primer momento. Aunque me esperaba algo más impactante, no decepcionó e igual vendrán más revelaciones con el tiempo. Bastante tranquilo después de tanto ajetreo, se agradece.
The ending alone makes this 5 stars😭 that was such a cool reveal and i’m hyped to get some questions answered next episode. Also Grisha is really interesting I can’t wait to learn more about him
A much calmer episode, but still really well done. After all the chaos from the last few episodes, this slower pace felt needed ngl. It gave us time to breathe and really take in everything that’s happened.
There were so many beautiful scenes in this episode. Seeing some moments from Eren and Mikas