Backdrop poster for Aria
Poster for Aria
3 seasons
, 52 episodes
Episode run time
24 minutes
Oct 6 2005
Last aired
Apr 1 2008


2005 • 3 seasons • 24m • Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama, Slice of Life, Cozy • TV-G
Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia.

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Aria the Animation
Not one of the best s1 but one of my favs I aint gonna lie

About the same level as season 1 Loved it Btw I started the manga, I just finished aqua (the 2 vol prequel ) and I loved it, I'm starting the aria manga rn

Aria the Origination
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One of the best anime’s of all time. Has a beautiful setting, soundtrack, and world building. The writing is truly incredible in the Origination. The last 2 episodes bring up so many amazing moments for Akira and we get one of the best endings I’ve seen. This anime is truly magical, I highly suggest

Aria the Origination
One of the greatest anime seasons ever made

Aria the Natural
I suppose I feel about the same for Aria the Natural as I did the first season, it’s a pleasant series to watch though not exactly one that’s engaging. There still isn’t really a central plot and it follows the same structure of individual episodes focused on Aria Company completing their tasks whil

Aria the Natural
Season 2 of Aria maintains its distinctive style, offering the same enjoyable atmosphere as its predecessor. The serene beauty of Neo Venezia, the warmth of its inhabitants, and the soothing music continue to captivate. While the supernatural element, particularly Cat Sith's increased presence, stan

Aria the Animation
This show is absolutely amazing and quickly became my second favorite slice of life. Its beauty is stunning, often bringing tears to my eyes. The story is chill but introduces great new aspects, the older animation style adds charm and fits perfectly, and the music, especially Athena's singing, is b

Aria the Origination
While S2 felt a bit too long to me, Aria the Origination is a more focused 13 episodes that make up the show’s best effort in what it always set out to be, simply a peaceful and atmospheric series about the mundane. It’s kinda saccharine, but its positivity is endearing and it was clearly made with

A stunning, beautiful near-perfect work of art from one of the most underappreciated animation studios whose life was tragically cut short. I guess I shouldn't be surprised how amazing this show was given it was directed by the same legend behind Ojamajo Doremi and Princess Tutu, nevermind the studi

Aria the Animation
Not the kind of show where much actually happens with its story, but it was pleasant to watch. I liked how calming the music and setting were, and the art is nice even if the animation’s a bit dated.