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A Killer Paradox (2024)
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Reviews for A Killer Paradox

i don't know how they do it so that the first half of the episodes are great and the second half are sh*t

finished in one day ofc bcuz it was a mini series (8 eps). very similar to vigilante but vigilante had a better flow and reason while A Killer Paradox just had better visuals and known actors. i did like the ending although it was predictable. lee tang is back 🤫

engaging premise, boring execution.

son sukku>

was excited for this, especially because of choi wooshik and son sukku. they didn’t disappoint, their performances were amazing but the plot lost me

sıkıcı buldum

The Slow Mo scenes and the Camera angles in some of those Shots 🙏🙏 The First few Episodes were awesome but it fell off at the End, I kinda expected more maybe Season 2 can offer more. Still enjoyed it.

This show tries to be edgy so much but ends up boring

It was aight, the actors and the shots rlly pulled along the story They probs went into budget issues lmao

I'm really confused because the drama doesn't take seriously the serious subjects and take seriously the one who doesn't need to be it. It's not bad but it's not the great TV show it could have been.

這部沒有期待中的好看,但卻也值得看一下,畢竟孫錫久+崔宇植兩個演技派不看嗎? 本來以為崔宇植會是電影魔女裡的那種殺人不長眼的傢伙V.S 犯罪都市的瘋狂刑警孫錫久版本 但看了之後完完全全的不一樣,沒想到變異能者英雄片?(真的要自己看看才知道我在說什麼🤣) 不得不說劇情發展確實也是算新穎! 真的還是希望能有機會能看到期待中的版本對決😏

Ca partait vraiment bien avec une intrigue intéressante, quelques idées de mise en scène pas trop mal et un personnage principal auquel on peut s'identifier sur certains aspects. Malheureusement, la série va prendre une autre tournure en cours de route pour s'éparpiller sur d'autres intrigues pas to

2.93 stars out of 5

“do you really think you’re different” girl with this amount of luck i would think i’m god’s cousin

Es una buena mini serie de suspenso y acción, pero exageraron un montón en muchas escenas. Hay cosas que se pudieron resolver de manera rápida pero lo extendieron demasiado, el final está bien pero pudo ser mejor y tuvo algunas escenas predecibles.

Okay lang medyo nag tugudugs akon heart sang kulba pero okay lang. Nami gidya acting ni Wooshik kag Seokgu pero nakulangan ko sang plot. Nalaw.ayan ko sang episodes w/ Philippines or Filipinos in it idk daw ka forced.


im a pretty princess

I'm disappointed the first 4 episodes were so good the sarcasm and camera work was fantastic but after that the story went no where I feel they were trying so hard to give us the same vibe of vigilante

It’s a crazy paradox.

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where did the plot go

Took me a while to get through but nonetheless still a fun watch

first 4 episodes were great then went downhill a bit