giles: im not the step-father, im the father that Stepped Up
but truly he is a Mother, only a mother would nag willow like he did!!
also these losers r such dorks they're making spike's
simping cheating at kitten poker ass look cool!! but spike n buffy this ep <3 i fear they rlly got me yall cann
Love the convo at the end with Buffy and Giles. Kind of crazy that her father still hasn’t even checked up on them. I don’t really like the nerd trio as “villains” kind of boring.
How have we gone from the most powerful villain of the show to three idiots? Not complaining tho, the show takes its time to adjust Buffy's new life with a less problematic main villain, at least until the last eps. Jonathan and Andrew🐐🐐 (we don't talk about Warren)
slightly underrated one , buffy spike and giles scenes were great and that evil trio were likeable by the end
also buffy is so fit in this season… must be the sad face or something
Hilarious episode, i'm sorry but i'm loving those three nerds, they are not serious people but are such funny and weird villains for this season 😭
also, that scene with Buffy and Giles 🥹 Giles mothered
omgg spuffy having their first dates 🥺 okay, we’ll they’re just hanging out, but it’s definitely better than buffy only being with spike whenever she needed something
and please don’t tell these three losers are this seasons villains
"Well you know what homophobia really means about you, don't you?"
The trio is definitely an interesting choice for the villains seeing as they're almost completely insufferable.
What I do love about this and season 5 is the fact that they've shown us more of the characters' typical domestic life i
giles IS mother
these villians are so lame ngl
the buffy and spike scenes were everything
and also buffy having the same reactionn to drinking alcohol everytime was so funny