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Skins (2007)
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Reviews for Skins

I was constantly switching between "Get what you f*cking deserve, Tony!" and "Poor dude"

the impact of effy stonem on british teenage girls needs to be studied

hm maybe i was too harsh on tony but poor effy 🥺

tony redemption arc? hopefully…

tony ik u fucked up by sending those pics of abigail but youre such a good brother to effy so i forgive u

nvm tonys a pretty decent brother i can fix him™️ Edit: thinking about kaya’s tiktok about her being 14 when they shot all of this for tv hsbsjsbjdjd

actually tony isn’t the worst person in the entire world

rlly took homegirl half an hour and a mountain of drugs to speak

edgily burns game board piece

This episode really fucked me up as a 15 year old

poor effy

“not even effy is answering ur calls, ur right, she is clever.” ate

when will tony stop asking people to hit him

The way that 16yr old me would’ve killed to be effy is truly unreal, almost scary. I’m glad Tony was finally a getting a mf reality check w/ his nonsense too bc dude was really doing the absolute moooost. What josh was tryna have him do was wiiiiild tho. And I don’t even wanna talk about Sid leaving

“i sleep with girls, you persuade them to kill themselves”

this was SICK

I’m not ready for the finale 😭😫

i refuse to feel bad for tony

sid devoured tony

Fun story, fun execution albeit I still haven’t figured out what kind of tone this show is going for.

shot so beautifully

this was a lovely lovely episode. i don’t even mind that it’s more tony 2.0 than effy because it’s so good. i love sid

god julie’s annoying as shit

okay nvm i love tony